Sign the petition to save Terri Schiavo from starving to death

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by nailheadina67, Mar 18, 2005.

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  1. nailheadina67

    nailheadina67 Official Nailheader

    I don't want to start a political thread here.......but I feel strongly about this and here's the link you can click to sign a petition to help save her:

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  2. 72staged

    72staged Well-Known Member

    Help Terri

    This issue is close to us here in Florida. This Woman,Terri, is NOT in a coma and there have been similar brain injured people that have recovered to decent existence. This has been a long story and there are many opinions. But positively Terri's husband is a pure ???HOLE. I could go on and on but I really feel for her Family.

    Thanks for the support on behalf of her family,

    Mike -72Staged
  3. stagetwo65

    stagetwo65 Wheelie King

    I hope if God forbid I'm ever in her situation, somebody close to me has my feeding tube tube removed as well. Decent existence? Please. I'd rather be dead. And I've got my paperwork recorded to ensure that it happens.
  4. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member

    Dr. Kavorkian anyone? Sure does seem familiar..
  5. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    Not sure if I want to touch this thread - though it has been a heated discussion in our house.

    We have told my Mom we'll keep her alive even if in a coma. My Dad and I agree to end the other's suffering in that situation - we'd not want to suffer like that for even 1 year, let alone 15 - but my Mother won't agree to help us if the event should arise.
  6. 72staged

    72staged Well-Known Member


    Hey Doug, About the paperwork - She aint got none. Never did any. If she did, there is no questioning. You did yours and I am happy for you. So I guess that you would be willing to look Terri eye to eye as you remove her feeding tube and tell her that this is the best thing for her. I am fairly sure that most people with a conscience could not face a breathing and aware human being and put them to death. Medical advances are achieved by dealing with improbable situations which is exactly where Terri lies. Improbable and impossible are definable in this day and age. We are talking science here. Not opinions and heresay. There are miraculous medical achievements quite consistently performed by genious and heroic medical teams.

    Mike -72Staged
  7. sbbuick

    sbbuick My driving scares people!

    I agree, and have been following this story for a long time as well. Existing, with no meaningful brain activity, and a feding tube stuck down your throat - Is Not The Same As "Living". Not in my book. Jeb Bush should have left this alone. Let her go. This is insane. Everything, and everyone eventually dies. If Jeb, and the other politicians really are so religious, then how can they argue to keep her here in this condition, rather than let her "Go to God"?

    My $.02 and that's all it is.

  8. mjoe7

    mjoe7 In the beginning God...


    You said; "not in My book." Have you thought about God's Book the Bible? What does it say about this situation? Thou shalt not kill is one verse that comes to mind.
    The Christians said when Abortion was legalized that it would take away the meaning and value of human life from the people and would eventually lead to euthnasia and worse. I believe the proof is in the pudding, this is exactly what has happened.
    Years ago this would not have been an issue. We are to do everything to protect life. The Bible also says that when Man forgets the Bible and God he does what is right in his own eyes. This is why it is so important to use the Bible as the basis for law, moral stability, and the foundation on which to live your life. Man can justify anything as being "ok" if he try's hard enough.

    I urge those of you that think she should just starve to death to go to her website and actually read about the whole situation. You can't get a full and exclusive story just through the news media. Search it out for yourself. You might be surprised at that corruption that her husband is in. The guy has 2 kids with another woman and is living with her in fornication while still be married to Terri! This is illegal in Florida. Not to mention the money he was awarded through a lawsuit (1million) which was to be used for her care has been used for atterney fees and lawyers to kill her. If you don't see something wrong here you need to do some soul searching.

    I would like to give more Biblical basis for my argument but lack the time.
    Bottom line... This is a moral issue Wrong vs. Right!


    The Lord is willing that none should perish but that all should come to repentance.

    Attached Files:

  9. Dennis Halladay

    Dennis Halladay Well-Known Member

    This is one of those that should be locked down by the mods before someones feelings get hurt. I am not going to post what I really feel, I think there has been enough fighting. Close it down or remove it.

    RACEBUICKS Midwest Buick Mafia

    Also according to the news show I just watched recently, her husband received a HUGE amount of money from her malpractice lawsuit which was supposed to be used for reabilitatation, Instead he has chosen to try to kill her and hasnt spent any money on her to help her. All the reports from the doctors say she should have been in rehab for the last year and she would be in much better condition. Not to mention he wants nothing to do with her, since he went out and has already found another woman AND has had a kid with her. The parents were on that show I was checking out and they want the husband give the rights to keep her alive to them. He wont do it cause he wants the money, which he will get once she is dead. They even told him that they would assume all financial responcibility and he still wont do it. His adgenda is to have her killed, keep the money , and keep the girlfriend. Even the judge in the case has NEVER gone to see what condition she really is in. All the clips from what I see show she is alive, not in an inactive state but eyes open can see around. That shows me she should live.

    If the husband would have had Teri's best interest in mind, she would be talking already according to the doctors who I have heard on the newsshow. I say let her live too.
  11. crazyjackcsa

    crazyjackcsa Big and Untame

    Well this started a political/religous thread, much as I knew it would. I'm all for locking/deleting it.

    RACEBUICKS Midwest Buick Mafia

    One more thing why do deathrow prisoners get more rights than this girl ??

    AS for locking it, Im not ready myself and some of you guys need to think too that everytime a discussion is up about politics or religion, all you need to be is nice , a good discussion is good food for the soul as long as we keep it from being a slam fest. A deal this big will always involve BOTH religion and politics to solve. Its ALL relivant.
  13. john campbell

    john campbell MASSHOLE

    BS. if it works for you great, but it dont work for everyone.
  14. 9secStage1

    9secStage1 Worlds Fastest GS Stage 1

    I am not going to voice my own opinion as I agree with Dennis that this thread may get nasty. As this can spin easily comparing abortion, death row and every other life and death issue.

    One thing I will say is: "Living Will"

    GET ONE! Especially if you have a family. Had she gotten one there would not have been a problem no matter which way her decision had been.

    In a legal terms sitting down with your spouse while relaxing at dinner or TV etc and mentioning your feelings is not enough. If it should happen to you it will definitely not hold in a court of law. Our society collectively has not found solutions to all the life and death questions. So no doubt there will be legal challenges. If you sit down in a legal sober state of mind having to read legal documents on your decision and sign your name in a bunch of spots re-reading the documents and also having a spouse/family member present to make sure your decision is truthful along with an attorney is about fool proof on any challenges in court and would cover any medical facility from law suits on abiding on your wishes.

    I would have to agree though, that removing a feeding tube to starve the body is not the human thing to to. When I had to put down my dog two months ago because of illness and age I would never think of starving her. There should be another method IF one was to be used.

    So guys and girls, you have kids? spouse? families? Have a Will drawn up ASAP and with it a Living Will. These are things we never want to think about, but it should be our number 1 responsiblity to our families.
  15. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

    In my opinion this situation should be decided by her next of kin........
    And in the courts that would be her husband who states that her wishes were
    not to be kept alive by artificial means.
    This is a very hot topic with the whole "do as I say" crowd.
    One man is in the position to make this decision, let him make the decision.
    Without interference from the government.

  16. riv2x4

    riv2x4 Well-Known Member

    I find the intrusion by the politicians to be the biggest insult yet. This is a family decision, her family, in this case, her HUSBAND. Republicans have talking points on this to embarrass the Democrats. This has been litigated at length and in almost every other situation the feeding tube would have been pulled a long time ago. If the judge in the case thought there was any hope of recovery he would not have allowed the removal. How anyone except a trained neurologist examining her and someone not medically trained watching a 15 second video clip and making a diagnosis is almost more absurd that the ethically challenged De Lay making outragous statement to flame the Right to Lifer's.

    I watched my Grandfather starve to death from a different medical condition almost 15 years ago. NO quality of life. 15 years in a persistant vegatative state with no hope of recovery, in my book, is not life.

    15 years ago it would be unusual for a healthy individal to have a DNR or similiar directive document regarding their health care.

    How many of you pushing for STATE intervention want that intervention in your own life and life decisions. We complain and start writing whomever when we can't park our old cars in the driveway because some beaurocrat has decided old cars are junk. I think the hardest part for the supporters to accept is the "RULE OF LAW" has been followed and the husband has prevailed every step tof the way.

    I want my wife to make any decions regarding my care if I can't make them, not my mother, brothers or sisters, aunts, uncles, neices, nephews, or my children and have taken the necessary steps.

    I will burden one of my kids later when they are capable of handling the situation if my wife is unavailable.

    Off my soapbox now.

  17. bill lagna

    bill lagna Well-Known Member

    " LIVING WILL " !!!!!!!!
    Everything else falls in the Gray area!
  18. 9secStage1

    9secStage1 Worlds Fastest GS Stage 1

    Ditto Larry. BUT get that Living Will and have your wife get one too. This way the decision will be just yours and your family only.

    Let me see I'll sneak in this bit of gas on the fire...sorry just had to say it. Congress and Courts useless wastes of time and steroids, meddling into private affairs, "appointed" judges overriding decisions of the Constitution and ellected officials....Geez maybe they should all try to figure on how to control the oil and social security/medicaid problems instead. Oh but that would be too difficult and infringe on their own interests.

    Goes back to more gov. control (ugh) and theirs reasons being people not being accountable for their own decisions. If you have a Living Will you would shut them out the door. No matter what you and your family decides to do.
  19. nailheadina67

    nailheadina67 Official Nailheader

    Sorry if I did it again......I wasn't going to post political threads anymore.....but I feel strongly about this one. The news doesn't tell ALL the facts.

    In the early part of this story, it was alleged that her husband physically abused her, and caused her to have the heart attack that put her into this state in the first place.

    And no mention was made until a full 7 YEARTS LATER about wanting to die rather than be on life support! (That would be my wish incidently)

    She was in therapy and progressing until he stopped it when he discovered he could get 1.5 million in life insurance. This is not about right to life, it's about playing the system.

    Furthermore, it was also alleged that her husband was having an affair with another would make sense to me that he would want her dead rather than take the chance of her regaining her senses and telling what really happenned to her.

    I just wonder how many people in the same circumstances have been forgotten about b/c of the lack of money to fight? I think the judge in this case is narrow minded and should not be making life or death decisions........I'll bet Scott Peterson will be given more consideration than Terri has, and that's just plain dispicable. :rant:

    Please keep this discussion civil people.......I would rather not see this one get locked or purpose of posting this thread was to get more signatures on her petition. For Terri's sake, let's all do the right thing after all she's suffered enough. :Dou:
  20. 72staged

    72staged Well-Known Member


    You are completely correct. There are a lot more circumstances to this story than what is shown. FYI, Terri's "husband" has another family which includes another woman and 2 children. Let's compare apples to apples. After the late Christopher Reeve fell from a horse and broke his neck he was in a comparable if not worse condition than Terri. As a matter of fact he could not even breathe on his own. His recovery with very intensive therapy was successful and painful to quote him exactly. His quality of life was awful compared to any of ours but he seemed happy to be alive and became a champion for nervous system research. I guess his wife and family just should of kicked him in the ditch because hell, he just sat there with a breathing apparatus hanging fom his wheelchair. Note, Terri only needed swallow therapy which was denied her.

    Mike -72Staged
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