Popular Hot Rodding Photography Contest 2009

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by r0ckstarr, Jul 30, 2009.

  1. Sergeant Major

    Sergeant Major Biggest Nut in the Can

    On the lighter side of this Hot Rod Photo Contest... and I don't want to high jack the thread...
    I did a show this past weekend.. there were about 5 Buicks there including a very nice 65 (? not sure ) Skylark. But... I won the GM (Not Chevy) class. Kinda threw me for a loop at the awards.
    I still cannot understand why a camaro won this Hot Rod Photo shoot. It's not all that or a bag of chips. Sorry guys, but we know that Buick has the BEST lookin cars out there. Especially when a lovely young lady is next to it.
  2. Joe65SkylarkGS

    Joe65SkylarkGS 462 ina 65 Lark / GN

    Congrats Sarg!!!

    It's always nce when your least expecting it.

    Oh well. It's not the last time our beloved Buicks will be overlooked.

    And what happen to a 4 tire shot? I layed on the ground to make sure I foowed the rules! Even though it's a prominent rule, this year and last years winners both had a 3 tire shot that won?!?!?
  3. Joe65SkylarkGS

    Joe65SkylarkGS 462 ina 65 Lark / GN

    Omg!!! Did you get a look at her mug!!!:moonu:

    My chic blows her away!!!:eek2:
  4. Sergeant Major

    Sergeant Major Biggest Nut in the Can

    Yeah she does Joe... I had to look twice for your car...(was checkin out the headlights):laugh: :TU:
  5. Joe65SkylarkGS

    Joe65SkylarkGS 462 ina 65 Lark / GN

    I don't know Bruce. you be the judge.

    Attached Files:

  6. Joe65SkylarkGS

    Joe65SkylarkGS 462 ina 65 Lark / GN

    Come on!! That last picture is awsome!!!!!!:blast:
  7. Sergeant Major

    Sergeant Major Biggest Nut in the Can

    ummmmmm...ummmmmmm... there's a car in that picture??

    Great pics all of 'em Joe. Hell I still owe ya pics of the Cat with the half moons on it. Don't have a babe to pose with it though. Can I borrow yours? :Brow:
  8. Joe65SkylarkGS

    Joe65SkylarkGS 462 ina 65 Lark / GN

    Sure. I'll send her overnight.:dollar:
  9. Sergeant Major

    Sergeant Major Biggest Nut in the Can

    Yer killin me here...:laugh: :beers2:
  10. Joe65SkylarkGS

    Joe65SkylarkGS 462 ina 65 Lark / GN

    Pics of the cat wearing the new lids please.:bla:
  11. stage2man

    stage2man Well-Known Member

    I can't believe this! BS! Two wheel shot really from about the 6 1/2 ft level. Seems awful lot like an eye level shot to me. Car is not really a hot rod, just kinda plain with a plain model. WTF! Chevy thing again.
  12. stage2man

    stage2man Well-Known Member

    One of the unworthy!

    Attached Files:

  13. Joe65SkylarkGS

    Joe65SkylarkGS 462 ina 65 Lark / GN

  14. stage2man

    stage2man Well-Known Member

    My problem was the sun came out on me just as we got setup.

    Attached Files:

  15. moleary

    moleary GOD Bless America

  16. r0ckstarr

    r0ckstarr Well-Known Member

    I'm not trying to sound like a bad loser or anything here but I would have liked to have seen something other than a Camaro win...

    PHR's latest response was this:
    Ha, I have a rusty Buick!


    That last shot rocks. Her legs go on for miles in that shot.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2009
  17. bmxmon

    bmxmon Well-Known Member

    She's much better looking than the one that won! If it weren't for that weed in the foreground I think you'd have been right up there!

    As far as the winner goes, I think its a pretty good photo overall. The background isn't too distracting, along with no real distracting things reflecting in the paint. I'd much rather just see the car w/o the model though. I think if the car was a Buick it would have done just as well.

    Congrats to the winner and whoever has a rusty Buick!!! :beers2:
  18. TimR

    TimR Nutcase at large

    Some very nice pictures for sure, but just to play devils advocate that last shot is great except for the big weed in front of the car and also you can't see the model, too much backlighting and no fill...a properly set flash or reflective panels would have solved that. I would re-shoot that one again because its a winner with some details sorted out.

    I was really hoping one of you guys would get it. Maybe next time.

    And I thought it was a photo contest, not a car contest? Seems everyone is ragging on the cars but the thing was supposed to be about the photos I thought. And wasn't last years winner an Olds? Could you imagine the outcry if they DIDN'T pick a Chevy??? :Dou: :laugh:
  19. r0ckstarr

    r0ckstarr Well-Known Member

    Last years winner was a black Camaro. The year before that was a Nova, I believe.
  20. TimR

    TimR Nutcase at large

    OK, I saw a pic of a olds 442 convertible shot from highup in regards to the contest, thought it said last years winner but guess it was just an example. Thanks for clearing that up.

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