Newly Designed Nail-Head Buick T-Shirts

Discussion in ''Da Nailhead' started by m900rider, Jan 24, 2015.

  1. GS Jim

    GS Jim Platinum Level Contributor

    Hey Jody, You never will make everyone happy. Make something cool that shows off the engine and I think a lot of people will be happy. Sure, there will be bitchers but whatcha gonna do?

  2. cobravii

    cobravii Well-Known Member

    Hey if you are still looking for pics, how about these ones.... might take some photo shop to remove some background noise....

    Attached Files:

  3. m900rider

    m900rider Jody Plummer

    Looks good, let me see what I can do....thanks
  4. Bigpig455

    Bigpig455 Fastest of the slow....

    I forgot to mention....

    I was wearing my original design shirt the other day, and some hipster cashier at Whole Foods went absolutely crazy over it. I tried to explain that it wasn't a retro/irony kind of thing, I actually have a Nailhead but he wasn't hearing it.....

    So you just might find you have just a big a take rate on Etsy, right up next to the Atari t-shirts!
  5. 56nailhead

    56nailhead Member

    need for tank tops
  6. GS Jim

    GS Jim Platinum Level Contributor

    Jody sent me a Tank Top. Man did I look ridiculous. I also had him put "Getting Fat With Class" on it. :laugh: :spank:


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