my shop & garage burned to the ground...

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 65specialconver, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Lark custom 70

    Lark custom 70 Well-Known Member

    I am at a loss of words those pictures pulled some heart strings.Good luck sorry for your losses.
  2. Steve Craig

    Steve Craig Gold Level Contributor

    Terrible material loss, good thing no one injured.
    When you get it all back together, put me down for your first order.
  3. Mister T

    Mister T Just truckin' around

    Chris and I just discussed another possible way to assist Jamie. Please see post #13 in his thread within the above quote. Thanks.
  4. The Riv

    The Riv Urban Legend

    Prayer sent.
  5. 65specialconver

    65specialconver kennedy-bell MIA

    Dont know, all i did was put it back in & it flashed,2 min later & i wouldnt have seen it.Like that would have helped.
  6. 1967GS340

    1967GS340 Well-Known Member

    This got me thinking about my garage also.
    I couldn't find any acetone to put in my washer so I used a 50 / 50 mix of harbor freights degreaser concentrate and water and figured that I would replace it when I found what I wanted for the parts washer.
    I thing I'm going to give the stuff that's in there a good try before I change it out new. You would have to mix two gallons of gas in with a gallon of my mix to get it to burn.
    Too many things that can go wrong and end up with a fire in a garage. Might as well try an non flammable mix in my parts washer and be safe.
    I don't have a commercial shop so if my mix isn't quite as good but can get the job done I can live with it.
  7. StfSocal

    StfSocal Well-Known Member

    Hope it all pans out for ya Jamie!!!!! As u are fully aware we all are behind ya!!

  8. Floydsbuick

    Floydsbuick Well-Known Member

    This really stinks Jamie. Sorry this happened to you. Glad your OK.
  9. New SBB

    New SBB That HURT

    Words dont come easy at a time like this. Seems like you have a sense of humor, which is invaluable in my opinion. May as well laugh because it doesnt do any good to cry, or something like that. Be strong, brother. There is a pretty good group of people here willing to do what they can to help. All you have to do is let them in. Keep talking to us and let us know what's going on.
    There is definitely something intangible about this message board phenomenon, where sometimes complete strangers are willing to come out of deep pockets to help one of their own, just because he is one of their own. You apparently are one of those people. I dont know you, but I want to help you out, and so do dozens of others here, because of what you are going through. I dont think of it as charity, and I dont think others do either. No one would think less of you for saying OK. Just let us know where to give.
  10. 67 Electra Cvt

    67 Electra Cvt 18+ feet and counting

    Jaime, just read about your loss. I'm so sorry. Thankfully, no one was seriously hurt
  11. Guy Parquette

    Guy Parquette Platinum Level Contributor

    Man, that surly does suck... big time:(

    One thing I and probably everyone else noticed is somehow, someway you're keeping a positive attitude about it. That amazes me. I don't know if I could do that.
    You must be a strong person.
    So stay strong and hang in there.

    I think things happen for a reason and something good will come out of this.
    You just wait and see, it will!

    Take care.

    ps, I'm in as well...let us help you.
  12. 65specialconver

    65specialconver kennedy-bell MIA

    Uf Da:Dou: Now i'm feeling the pain of losing the cars,damn!The Suncoupe was a solid rust free car:error: I dont even have a socket set to my name anymore.It would cost me way too much to start again,i'm done,maybe some day i'll get my car additude back,but not now.Thanks guys for being here for me.:TU:
  13. 1967GS340

    1967GS340 Well-Known Member

    I'll bet that when the convertible shows up you get the car bug back full force as soon as the sun comes out.
    It's something that's in the blood.
    The pain of the loss will pass with time ( for the most part ), but I think the love of the cars is something that's a terminal condition!
    Give it a week to a month and you will be feeling the need for something to mess around with.
    It's in your blood man!
  14. garybuick

    garybuick Time Traveler

    do you have insurance?
  15. telriv

    telriv Founders Club Member

    GEARS, GREASE, GAS, GUTS & CARBON MONOXIDE. Once they are in your blood they will never leave!!!!! Keep the faith Jamie. I know it's hard right now & you want to throw your hands up in disgust. Sit back, take a chill pill or two & relax!! It will come back with a vengeance & you will be ready. And, we'll all be here in whatever capacity needed.

    Tom T.
  16. MR. BUICK '72

    MR. BUICK '72 Well-Known Member

    That is a down right shame. I am truly sorry for the loss of your cars but am glad to know that no one was injured during this unfortunate event.
  17. stage2man

    stage2man Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear this Jamie. Damn!
  18. voodoochild54

    voodoochild54 Well-Known Member

    So sorry to hear of your loss. Our house burned to the ground in 1982, sitting tucked right next to the back of the house was my 1965 Mustang Fastback (Hi-po built to the hilt, pony interior etc) which also burnt to a crisp. I feel your pain, believe me, just glad there were no injuries.
  19. Jamie...Nothing said can dull the pain or/and anger you are going thru.I know,lost my barn,office and work shop to a fire in 2001.All my tractors,tools and 5yrs of tax records(darn)were lost. Did manage to save 6 horses. You seem like a good and honest hard working guy. You WILL get thru this but you will need help from friends and family. When your time is right please except everyones offers. And Pray. Good luck Bob
  20. idahoskylark

    idahoskylark idahoskylark

    damn jamie sorry for your loss ya youll get the bug back in time wish i would have made it by to check out your cars when i lived in rathdrum but i moved back to lewiston too quick hang in there itll get better

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