"Misty" hauls butt...AND gets Best in Show!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by sroys, Aug 2, 2008.

  1. Chrille_GS

    Chrille_GS Rumbling Swede

    Beautiful pictures and a great looking car :TU: Way to go!
  2. sroys

    sroys Married to a Buick Girl!!

    Mike the front rims are stock 7" and the backs are 9"

    tires are 235/60 R-15 front and 275/60 R-15

    the rears are about an inch taller and 1 1/2" wider than the fronts.....

    I like a little stagger in the car, but not the knocked up big/small wedge look - and actually going down the street it looks pretty level...

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