Mad Girlfriend

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by shippo353, Dec 19, 2009.

  1. 71GSX455-4SPD

    71GSX455-4SPD Nick Serwo Magic Car

    Very True!
  2. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    Heh heh. Ask Ken Lisk how well that works out. I hear he had a real thrill-a-minute this year in Ohio.
  3. low buck Jim

    low buck Jim Well-Known Member

    My girl says, " If he is on the computer at this site, thats good, there are lots of other sites you would not want him at."
  4. 71GSX455-4SPD

    71GSX455-4SPD Nick Serwo Magic Car

    Good time until you opened your pie hole! :moonu:
  5. lookin4a67gs

    lookin4a67gs For Your Viewing Pleasure

    Lots of good advice here! kinda.:puzzled: Now be careful, once upon a time long ago I had a girlfriend who was a complete daddy's girl. A nice girl but spent too much time with her dad over the years, so she was into snowmobiling, hunting, fishing, drinking beer, cars, etc. Basically she enjoyed everything I enjoy(with the exception of chasing women, I think, guess I never asked . now that would of been cool:grin:). Anyways, at the time I thought it was awesome but after a few weeks I realized I would of never been able to get away and she would want to tag along wherever I go. Not cool! I am somewhat of a loner and need my alone time, this would of never flown. You must be careful of what you wish for, not everyone is after the same thing.
  6. RipRohring

    RipRohring 53 SUPER V8 12 Volt

    Didn't Tiger Woods used to "hang out here". . .? Seems he lost interest in Buick last year, and now he's into other V8's (would that be virgins - 8 at a time ?). . .

    My girlfriend saw the "mad girlfriend" title on the thread and asked me what website I was on ??? Of course she didn't accept it was the Buick V8 site until I actually SHOWED HER.

    So, life goes on - can't WAIT for the new garage - so I can get a table and chairs and a coffee maker out there. Let's see - a Culligan water tank ?

    Rip Rohring :bglasses:

    PS: Snow missed us. . . But we will still have a White Christmas - from all the salt clinging to the cars.
  7. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    So you're on the board at 1:10am on a Saturday night and you're wondering what the problem is with your boyfriend? :Do No:

    Sorry, but I interpret this thread as basically a "please feel sorry for me" or "I need attention too" thread. Too many head games.

    You either accept someone or you don't, their baggage as well. Whether it's scrapbooking or Buicks, or whatever. But what ever you do, don't hound him about his joys. If his joys are evil and unfaithful joys, or are "more important" than you are, then by all means you have a reason to be concerned.

    If it's a healthy hobby, as long as it doesn't interfere with your relationship in a way that he's spending 24 hours on and one hour with you........

    And if he is doing that, well, then you have a problem, if you perceive it as a problem that is. Some women would feel blessed to be away from their men 23 out of 24 hours. And vise versa. :laugh:

    I'm thinking it does not bother you as much as you claim it does. You cared enough to peruse the board, so get inside his head and find out what he loves so much about Buicks, or about this place. Then buy a used 70 Electra, it has a huge back seat. :idea2: :laugh:
  8. 71skylark3504v

    71skylark3504v Goin' Fast In Luxury!

    Woah Woah Woah! She posted this as a semi-joke. Not a "I need attention" plea.:TU:
  9. swing72

    swing72 just me

    That's what she says, but it's really a test :puzzled:
  10. JOE RIV 1

    JOE RIV 1 Well-Known Member

    Someone order the pizza!I'l get the beer this is getting GOOD!!!:beers2:
  11. shippo353

    shippo353 Buick Gal

    heeeey now, I work! And go to school :p point being, I will post whenever I want :laugh:

    and its not really a problem, I just think its funny when I come home and he has to tell me all about his boards and newest ideas for his car or the more recent grease in some car lot I have to go check out at some point, :Dou:

    and Casons decided I should trade in my lexus for one of those 70 electras :eek2: go figure :TU:
  12. 71GSX455-4SPD

    71GSX455-4SPD Nick Serwo Magic Car

    You should marry him just for that. He definitely loves you wanting to put you in a fine automobile rather than that junk Lexus. Hold out for some performance upgrades, fresh paint, and make sure the AC blows cold. Then you'll be going "Fast with Class".

    "Lexus, the relentless pursuit of measuring up to a 70's deuce and a quarter.":Brow:
  13. SportWagonGS

    SportWagonGS Moderator

    OK, so here is my advice on the situation.....
    Don't get a 70 Electra, get a 71 or 72, still make good power but run on 87 octane gas, plus Buick introduced "accu-drive" in 71 changing the suspension completely and switching to front steer, these cars handle light years better and still ride like a puffy cloud and the 2 doors look cool as heck! Plus you can use A body full length headers on the 71s and up and there is tons of room under the hood for tall intakes, turbos etc... and no body EVER expects the huge car to be fast!

    Hope this helps
  14. leojvs

    leojvs The anti-Prius.

    Emily, what are some of your hobbies?

    If you like craft shows, or going to those Alternative festivals (like my girl) suggest that he comes along, and takes you in the Buick. After him being there for 10-15 mins, tell him, "come back in 30 to pick me up if you like. Go for a cruise or something"
    He might say ok, or nah, its cool. Ill hang here with you.

    Either way, its time together. Work on it from there.

    Or.... tell him you want to go to the movies (drive in's if you have them in your area) and take the Buick, and go looking for Christmas lights after.

    Will be a nice night out.
    Good luck kiddo :3gears:

    Sweating thru another hot Australian Summer.
  15. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    Somehow I knew you were cool with it. :)

    Hey, I'm sorry if I came across harshly. I was fearing a clubbing from some other members here after I posted. I think Cason is luckier than he knows. :beers2:
  16. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    Ok, no problem.
  17. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Buick guys can always score the hotties
  18. 69GS400s

    69GS400s own amusement ride!

    The problem with you getting an Electra is that once (... yes, ONCE is enough) Cason gets to drive a big block, he will only want to drive / work on / by parts for your car :bla:
  19. 69GSCAL

    69GSCAL Well-Known Member

    How did a thread about Cason's Girlfriend turn in to a thread bashing small blocks? :Do No:

    Cason's signature block says that he's searching for 12's, if he reaches his goal a lot of these same guys bashing him are going to be eating crow as he blows by them. :3gears: :3gears: :3gears:
  20. Midnightblue

    Midnightblue Member

    Hey Emily!

    I noticed this thread has gotten a little off topic so let's get back on to the subject at hand. I too am pissed off! I feel your pain and we definitely have things to discuss. My fiance is ALWAYS on here and I mean every waking minute. V8Buick has threatened to break us up. We can't even sit down and watch a movie together. Within 5 minutes he's up from the couch on on this stupid, annoying site. (sorry guys, but I'm speaking from the heart)

    The only thing that keeps me going is the thought that it could be so much worse....and instead of V8Buick it could be the bar, drinking or him cheating on me.

    I know Cason and he is good friends with my fiance so I know what you're going through. Just be patient and think of ways to win back some of his time (I have some great ideas if you're interested).

    Best of luck Emily!

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