Legal Question about Guns

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Madcat455, Oct 2, 2004.


    RAMLARK Well-Known Member

    A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state,
    the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms,SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
  2. BA

    BA Well-Known Member

    Leave that one alone! Not worth the potential legal problems unless you get a permit. It might also have a shady history.
  3. 72skylark

    72skylark 4 Doors of Fury!

    My old man has a mac-10, fully auto. He got it a little before they upped the laws on em, so he got grandfathered in, and it's 100% legal. It still took him some $$$ and alot of time for permits and such.
    I only shot it off once, boy was it fun. I'm 6'2" 200 ibs, fully auto pushes you back alot, I was one one foot. We were shooting at a log on a hill. The first 2-3 shots go where ya want em, after that they just get higher and higher. I'm sure once you're used to it it's easier to control. Just makes you see how bogus the movies are when people shoot these things with one hand.
  4. StageTwo

    StageTwo It's a Beauty Too.

    Are you referring to the assault weapons ban of 1994 that recently expired? If so, the law only addressed capacity for magazines related to hand guns. One could not purchase a hand gun manufactured during the ban that could hold more than ten rounds in the magazine. However, if that same gun could accept higher-capacity magazines that were made prior to the ban, then those magazines could be used in the hand gun. For example, I bought my Ruger P-95 (9mm semi-auto pistol) in 2001 and it came with 10-round magazines only. I then purchased some "pre-ban" 15-round capacity magazines that were actually made for the Ruger P-89 (9mm semi-auto pistol.) The higher-capacity "pre-ban" magazines work in the P-95, so I was set. I had 15-rounds legally.

    As for "assault rifles", the law defined them as any rifle that could "accept a detachable magazine, and possesses two or more of the following features: folding or telescopic stock, pistol grip protruding conspicuously beneath the stock, bayonet mount, flash suppressor or threaded barrel, grenade launcher." Now I'm not going to get into the arguments over which of those items should or should not be legal, but I will go so far as saying the grenade launcher was most likely added to the list as a shock factor. Grenade launchers are and were previously heavily regulated otherwise. In addition, it should be noted that the other items on the list are cosmetic in nature and offer little or no increase in performance to the function of the firearm. In short, the law was a big joke.

    For more information on the ban, visit this web site.
  5. Olds F-85

    Olds F-85 Dr. Olds

    :blast: You need a class 3 Federal licence to own a fully automatic machine gun.
  6. Driver2

    Driver2 Guest

    If you DON'T already "OWN" one, then you WON'T "understand"! :Brow: :TU: :blast:

    It's not the "same" reason, because I wouldn't be able to justify using my 455 for "Self Defense" in my Home. :laugh: :Smarty:

    The Assault Weapons Ban still applies to "specific" weapons (Full Auto/Uzi, Tech 9, Macs, AR's, AK's, SKS's, etc.), because it is a Federal law, unless you have a Federal Firearms License, which "allows" you to own them. The ban is ineffective, only temporarily, while they are "improving" the ban to include some sporting/hunting rifles, too (as Semiautomatic .22 calibers, mostly used for NRA Competitions, or Small Game Hunting, like rabbits/squirrels, etc.). A new proposal has already been submitted, but is not being pursued, as the "Debates" are focused on "more important" issues.:rolleyes::af:

    If you're going to buy guns, you'd better do your shopping, NOW, while you have a chance, BEFORE they reinstate the law, and you won't be able to. (I picked up 3 more over the weekend, myself, as I'm also a Collector!:TU: ):Smarty: :af:

    Unfortunately, my Gun hobby is as "expensive" as my Buick hobby. :shock: :blast: :3gears:
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2004
  7. StageTwo

    StageTwo It's a Beauty Too.

    You seem to have hit the nail on the head with the first statement. What happened after that?
  8. Driver2

    Driver2 Guest

    Sorry, I thought I was on my "other" board.:laugh: I'll try to stick to "automotive" discussions, here, and leave the "gun talk" for the "gun boards" (where I've been more often, anyway, as that is my Primary hobby, with my Buicks as the 2nd "most expensive" thing that I do). :TU: :blast:
  9. StageTwo

    StageTwo It's a Beauty Too.

    No biggie . . . I just had to be a smart a :moonu: !

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