If this sniper is smart, they may never catch him

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Captain Mark, Oct 22, 2002.

  1. Bile Bob

    Bile Bob Well-Known Member

    Ye know, I don,t see how anybody could blame the militiary. Anyone can buy a high powered rifle and a bunch of rounds, then take them to a desolate location and with enough practice be a very good shot. I grew up in northern Chicago during the late 70s-early 80s, and there was a true psychopath there by the name of John Wayne Gacy. He had like 35-40 bodies buried under his house. He would dress up like a clown :puzzled: before he offed his victim. I've heard interviews they did with him before they fried him. Spooky! It scared me because he was only about ten minutes from where I lived. Anyway I think they should build a gigantic mirowave oven, strap the sniper dude in it, then set that sucker on toast!

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