If this sniper is smart, they may never catch him

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Captain Mark, Oct 22, 2002.

  1. Captain Mark

    Captain Mark Well-Known Member

    I think this guy could probably continue this for quite a while. Shoot in the dark, unseen. Have your escape route mapped out. He can shoot, be on the highway within seconds, and be in another county before the crime scene is shut down. Very scary. Someone needs to find this guy.:blast:
  2. Leviathan

    Leviathan Inmate of the Month

    Nobody commits the perfect crime... there's any number of ways they *could* end up getting him...

    He has to buy ammunition

    He has to maintain the rifle

    He must own a car

    Someone knows him

    He'll get cocky

    true though, if he stopped now they'd probably never find him. My guess is he's some idiot that *wants* to get caught to prove a point. Like that guy who stole the tank and went for a joyride...
  3. Mike Atwood

    Mike Atwood The Green Machine

    I think we should just pay the $15000 and have Guido put a slug in the snipers head........might also work for Saddam too....of course for a higher price.
  4. Dale

    Dale Sweepspear

    Whats the deal with the police asking the killer,
    "Call us at the number you gave us" ?
    Did the killer make up a number, leave it for the police to find, and then the police had the phone co. set up that number as a line in the police dept.?
    Strange indeed.
  5. Captain Mark

    Captain Mark Well-Known Member

    What that tells me is the Police have no clue.
  6. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    I know. Weird. Looks like he gave them a phone number to a pay phone (where he can be reached?). They traced the number and staked out the phone. You know he was watching that phone just to see the cops try to trap him. Do the cops really think he's that stupid? He's playing a game with them. Damn good at it too.

    Then 2 poor schmucks who just happen to be driving a white minivan just happen to stop at that pay phone to make a call. Next thing they know they are pulled out of their car, handcuffed, given the 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree, had their vehicle towed and impounded and subjected to endless humiliation and innuendo.

    Meanwhile the sniper is laughing his ass off as the media is more than happy to tell him everything he wants to know. He watches the authorities scratch their heads on live TV, showing the world how clever the sniper is. And the sniper is so pleased with himself that he plugs another poor guy standing on his bus this morning.

    And I can't even do a f***ing burnout on a backroad without having the cops drop on me like a dragnet!
  7. Captain Mark

    Captain Mark Well-Known Member

    Exactly Jeff. I can just picture this guy shooting someone, driving back home and watching it all on CNN. Drinking a beer, eating some Cheesy poofs and laughing his a$$ off.
  8. Dale

    Dale Sweepspear

    I thought about that. But it didn't seem creative enough.

    Geez, You tried finding a pay phone lately?

  9. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    Find one? Hell, I won't even touch one of those things. I'm not a germ-o-phobe, but putting my lips and chin on a phone some hack with TB or syphillis was just drooling over isn't my idea of a fun day...:gt:
  10. Freedster

    Freedster Registered User (2002)

    I bet he's after money

    This guy's smart about the way that he does things, and I think that the killings are intentionally "random" so he won't get caught. He's way too businesslike to be a "normal" serial killer. Serial killers take pleasure in suffering and death, and this guy is just out of the area too fast for that. He's not even that concerned about actually killing the victims, otherwise we would have a higher kill rate. I think he's trying to strike enough fear into people that the government will pay him off, and then he will drop out of sight.

    Think about it: if you were going to terrorize for money, would you do it in backwater Mississippi, or would you do it in the richest county in the country? Would you do it in rural Montana, or would you do it in an area where a lot of overpaid government officials lived? I remember hearing on the news that this long letter that he left behind the Ponderosa indicated a killing schedule of sort. I betcha, pretty soon, he's going to ask for a payoff to stop.

    Just my $0.02.

    - Freed
  11. SkyV8Chick

    SkyV8Chick tearin' it up


    All i have to say is that there sniper best not come down south.... we have about a 5 to 1 ratio with our own fun ammo to people and that s just in the public school system...:TU:
  12. YellowLark

    YellowLark Well-Known Member

    The way that serial criminals like the Unibomber use numbers is different than discussed above.

    What the killer will do is leave a note with a made-up number. Then, he will use that number in later contacts, so that the police know right away that the call/letter is genuine.

    Now, you guys are talking from afar. I work in Rockville. The first victim was shot a block from my office.

    You ought to see the parking lot at 5:00. Men and women zigzagging to their cars with books at chest level.

    Hope this nightmare ends soon....
  13. 71GS455

    71GS455 Best Package Wins!

    How do we know it's a "him"?

    This is actually quite fascinating from a criminal investigation point of view. It's scary as hell from a real-life point of view though.

    It reminds me of a bit of computer software that I was shown at a seminar. It was used in relations to serial arsonists.

    Although it's definitely not without flaw, the idea is this.

    They pinpointed all of the locations of the fires from a serial arson(similar to what you can find on CNN.com, etc... for the sniper). It created a 3d map that ended up looking like a topographical type map with mountains and valleys with the peaks being higher incidence areas and the valleys being low.

    The one case where the arsonist was eventually caught, they were able to (in hindsight, of course) show how the higher "peaks" were areas that the suspect had frequented throughout life (near previous childhood home, schools attended, etc...). But interestingly his current home was in one of the valleys, yet he still lived in the area.

    The particular one I'm thinking of happened in the Victoria, BC area.

    I think of that every time I see the maps and the areas of concentration of the occasions.

    What's interesting is the sniper is obviously not afraid to stay in the same areas. There must be a high amount of knowledge in each location that the shots are happening.
  14. TimR

    TimR Nutcase at large

    What cracks me up is the guys in the minivan were illegal imigrants!!LOL

    I don't think he is an idiot, or he would have made a mistake already. I sure hope they catch the bastard soon though, its gotta be mad living in that area.

  15. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    FWIW, I heard on the radio today that in his letter of yesterday he requested enormous sums of money.

    Not sure if that is accurate.
  16. 71GS455

    71GS455 Best Package Wins!

    That seems so "insignificant" to demand money. That seems more like him having some "fun". He's supposed to demand money right... he's holding a tri-state area hostage.

    I think it's more a power trip. Right now he's saying JUMP.

    Someone from a newsgroup I participate in, who lives in the area, said that people are darting back and forth when going to their cars, and carrying books held up to their chests.

    Although it would be impossible to do in this day and (information) age. It's too bad that he couldn't get absolutely no publicity. I'm guessing he's (see, I called the sniper he too) just eating up every article and tv news program, along with internet chat rooms, etc...

    The local news stations have their own chat boards regarding the situation. What do you bet he's reading, if not participating???
  17. henry white

    henry white Well-Known Member

    the latest thing i am hearing on the news is that the sniper is saying that even your children arent safe anywhere, anytime. i live in montgtomery county where most the shootings have been and i can tell you that on saturday night they were trying very hard to find this guy and that shooting was a long way from where i had to go thru a roadblock. its all you see on the tv here. i am getting fed up with him and would love to shoot the sob myself. it has had a big effect on life in the dc area it seems. think its time they bring in the military to seal off the ramps and bridges the minute the next one happens. hate to think it will , be it seems likely. at first i thought it was a mental case, now srarting to think its al queda.

    henry white

    70 GS 350 BLUE
    70 GS 455 RED
    70 STAGE 1 GREEN
  18. SkyV8Chick

    SkyV8Chick tearin' it up


    Like they said on tv.. they never caught the zodiac killer and more recently the sniper that plauged New York. I think sooner or later this one will rise to the surface.
  19. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    Just heard $10M ransom.
  20. Mr Big

    Mr Big Silver Level contributor

    Well it looks like I was wrong with my "Angry White Guy" theory....It appears this whole Sniper Thing may have been the work of a couple of common thugs.
    Too bad the Cops weren't just a few days closer to them, as they might have saved that last guy..what a shame!

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