I got pulled over tonight.....

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 66BuickLeSabre, May 10, 2004.

  1. MeanBuicks

    MeanBuicks Scaring the neighbors.

    Tennessee is also a one-plate-state.

    I removed my front plate in NJ one time and didn't go 10 miles before I got pulled over. :Do No:
  2. zundapp39

    zundapp39 Member

    Michigan is rear plate only. Anything you want on front as long as it's not obscene. Some I have seen might be classified as this though.
  3. ABben32

    ABben32 Well-Known Member


    Here in NYC you need both plates. When I got my cutlass calais I didnt have the right screws to put onto the front plate, So I left it on the dashboard. Big nono, ticket was $50 but it got reduced to $35 since it was my first car the judge said.

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