How do you Canadians survive?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Mark Demko, Oct 27, 2021.

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    JESUPERCAT No Slow Boat

    Larry as to your media you speak of?????
    I went to an event here in Maine with my son. It was covered by the "media" you watch.(based on your comments above)
    The event was non confrontational high energy and full of people that love this country. There wasn't even people protesting against it off the property.
    While watching the local and national news coverage of the event later with my wife, it was like I went to a different event.
    There were fights and protests, people yelling at each other. Then my son said there aren't any houses near where we were? The news spliced in protests that were going on in a different part of the state :rolleyes: and said it was at the event.

    So take it for what it's worth. Media is about an 85/14 split.
    Hey 1% has to actually report legit news.
    Also Your post above was a bit political as well as politically leaning:D
    "Come on Man";):D:)
  2. 1969RIVI

    1969RIVI Well-Known Member

    This thread went off course after the very first post by the OP, it went political on page one and completely off the rails so far into no no land since then. I'm surprised it made it to 2 pages let alone 8. And most of the political and religious topics that have been discussed that are not supposed to be discussed has been done so mostly by the mods?? I'm not sure where the rules went but I've seen threads with less political/religious content get shut down quicker?? I'm not trying to start crap but man it's either the rules apply for all or for none. I'm off to drink Canada's finest beer and eat some poutine with bacon:p:D:)
    NotRyan likes this.
  3. gsfred

    gsfred Founders Club Member

    Moderators should be BANNED from posting anything political. They are supposed to judge what is posted and moderate it. When a thread gets shut down by a moderator who has posted political stuff it makes you wonder if they are impartial.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2021
    GSX 554 likes this.
  4. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    You are right Fred, but we are all supposed to refrain from politics on V8, but guys simply can't help themselves. And then Jim posted.

    I am going to delete all of my posts in this thread. I am always sorry I get into these discussions to begin with. I'm not going to change anyone's mind, and they certainly won't change mine. It's easier just to not do anything at all.

    Judge me Fred when you have walked a mile in my shoes.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2021

    JESUPERCAT No Slow Boat

    Larry to say that to Fred. Really .
    You put your shoes on, you walk in them.
    As we all have to deal with what life puts in front of us, and results from our choices. Don't like things in your life change it....
    Monday night is 2 years since we lost Steven. Guess what the loss is beyond words. But I am just starting to feel like I want to get out of bed in the morning.
    I sure as hell wouldn't tell someone to walk in my shoes.
    Be positive as that is what keeps your head up.
  6. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    John, you know what I meant, I meant Fred should try being a moderator, nothing else. Don't put words in my mouth. Or is this funny to you?

    JESUPERCAT No Slow Boat

    To get back on track sort of :D diesel here went up 10c more today $3.67 can't wait for January generally about the top of the price range for fuel. Although this coming year I'm guessing anything goes..
    I can't wait to go back across the western border to go visit friends and maybe a few races we were invited to.
    Do they still have Dragstrips in eastern Canada?

    JESUPERCAT No Slow Boat

    Larry take a breath.
    Read my post not just quote it... you aren't the only moderator here keeping this ship off the reef:)
  9. 1969RIVI

    1969RIVI Well-Known Member

    I can't speak for the western or eastern provinces but not alot of drag strips left here in Ontario. I've been trying to talk with some guys about putting on a weekend event at a local air strip but unfortunately too much red tape and liability issues for it to actually frutate into something so that idea is out:(
  10. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    I read it, and you insinuated that I had no right to say that to Fred. I found that offensive. There are a group of guys here on V8 that instigate this kind of thing. It's always the same group of guys. Some of them start these kind of threads knowing full well where they will lead.
  11. Mike Trom

    Mike Trom Platinum Level Contributor

    Yes, majority rules but where is the disconnect between those that live in the city and those that don't?

    This is a link to a breakdown by precinct of how the election went, just looking at the city of Buffalo, all of the city and first ring suburb precincts were overwhelmingly Blue just the opposite outside of the city for Red. Although the county I live in shows Blue, a smaller map shows its mostly Red, except for the city. I wish I knew how there could be such and overwhelming difference in values and thinking. Why are most cities throughout the country Blue and suburbs Red?

    The blue areas on the NYS election map are around cities except for the right side which boarder other blue states. Many of the red areas are sparsely populated where blue voters don't want to live for some reason.

    As for this thread, there are 100's of other threads you can read if you don't like this one. There are tons of threads I don't read, not because I disagree, but because they don't interest me, I don't ask for them to be shut down, its easy, don't click on it and you will be fine.

    On a different note, kind of about Canada, we may be making a trip to Michigan to check out a car for my son. If we could drive through Canada we could save 2-1/2 hours each way but unfortunately it would require us to get Covid tested more than once for what we plan on making a day trip. Oh well, 6 hour drive each way within the USA it is going to be. Just have to break open the piggy bank to fill the gas tank.

    JESUPERCAT No Slow Boat

    Same group of guys argument works both ways as the same relative group gets them shut down
    GKMoz likes this.
  13. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    It's the same group of people who start and post in these threads. They Know the issues that trigger others, and they stoke it until it reaches a fever pitch. The people who engage in it on both sides of the argument, collectively get the thread shut down, because it predictably gets nasty. As a moderator, I'm supposed to try and put my finger in the dike while trying to stay impartial, but I am human, and sometimes, I allow myself to get dragged into the argument. I always regret that when I do. That was the mistake Jim Lore made. He couldn't help arguing with them, and ultimately with JW. I remember JW saying he wouldn't mind someone who was on the left as a new moderator. Well that's me, and I make no apologies for it. I don't come here to argue about politics. We aren't going to solve anything doing that, just create more animosity.
    GSX 554 and 1969RIVI like this.
  14. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    As a moderator, I don't have that luxury Mike. When someone gives me a job to do, I do it to the best of my ability. You don't see everything I see. I sometimes wonder whether guys appreciate that or not. It would be easy for me to just ignore everything and be a moderator in name only. That's not me.
    Mister T likes this.
  15. Mike Trom

    Mike Trom Platinum Level Contributor

    That was not pointed at you....there are others complaining and that is why I said not to click on it if you don't want to see it. As a moderator I can see the difficulties of trying not to get involved as a participant. Not sure if I could restrain myself :D
  16. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    No worries.
  17. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    And right on cue.:D:D:D

    I'm not deleting or locking anything.
  18. GKMoz

    GKMoz Gary / Moz

    I have a solution for the Canadians? come over our border and we can deport you! and then you come back over again and we will give you $450,000 dollars?
    The ones from the south of here just got that offer and there are a reported 60,000 coming soon?
    Pretty good deal and can solve your high gas prices for sure!;)
    Waterboy and sean Buick 76 like this.
  19. Mike Trom

    Mike Trom Platinum Level Contributor

    $450000 each for some illegals but lower prescription drug prices for the actual citizens was once again cut from consideration. I read there are 1500 Lobbyist for the pharmaceutical industry, that should be illegal. Diabetic supplies cost us dearly each month since I work and have crap insurance. The free State insurance would cover the cost but you can't work.....
    NotRyan and sean Buick 76 like this.
  20. sean Buick 76

    sean Buick 76 Buick Nut

    It’s good vs evil not about politics anymore. It’s the whole divide and conquer, while we bicker about divisive topics the technocracy digs in deeper towards the one world government communist agenda.

    The media, news and social media worldwide are controlled by a select few people, project mockingbird never ended. The sad thing is that most people only watch and read the propaganda so they are so brainwashed that they no longer have the ability to research and discern the truth.

    Think it’s all a conspiracy theory? No it’s a conspiracy fact. When JFK was assassinated the CIA created the phrase “conspiracy theory” to any facts other than the Warren Report narrative which stated a “lone gunman”. Of course the facts have continually proved the Warren Report was false, but even to this day the media uses the phrase “conspiracy theory” to attempt to convince well meaning people to brush off un-convenient truths. Keep sleeping people, but you may wake up one day and find yourself living in a nightmare.
    Waterboy and GKMoz like this.
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