How do you Canadians survive?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Mark Demko, Oct 27, 2021.

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  1. sean Buick 76

    sean Buick 76 Buick Nut

    It’s all about “The great reset”.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2021
    bw1339 likes this.
  2. pbr400

    pbr400 68GS400

    Don’t forget telling business owners ‘you didn’t build that!’, while calling those who aren’t on board with the program a ‘basket of deplorables’ and ‘bitter’ people who ‘cling to their religion or guns’…
  3. GSX 554

    GSX 554 Gold Level Contributor

    This thread is as political as I've seen . And the chief and staff members are fueling it BIG TIME .
    bostoncat68 and JohnnyGS like this.
  4. Dano

    Dano Platinum Level Contributor

    The definition of "political" on here seems to be attacking one side or the other & this has largely been (deservedly) an attack on both sides.
  5. FoDoFoSho

    FoDoFoSho Member

    Seems a reminder is needed. This board is NOT here for political purposes! We will not give warnings, threads will simply be removed, end of story.
  6. HeavensDevil

    HeavensDevil Well-Known Member

    I'm spending 2 Bux a liter for fuel and just paid $739k for a house. Got my daughter in a fancy private school. Meanwhile everyone on social media is complaining. I'm just a lowlife welder. Man life is a trip..
  7. Premier 350

    Premier 350 Chris (aka Webby)

    I can recommend Doug's Electra tour. A highlight of our Canada/ USA trip in 2018.
    dmfconsult likes this.
  8. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    As I don't have complete information, the following is speculation but here goes: There are three questions that need to be asked and answered before a country voluntarily marches off to war. The first should be "What is our objective?" The second is "How do we measure our progress or lack of it in achieving that objective? Finally, the third should be "What is our exit strategy?" I don't believe that any of these questions were seriously considered before we marched into Afghanistan. I agree that our exit from Afghanistan was a mess, but it was not totally our present President's fault.
    pbr400 likes this.
  9. Nailhead in a 1967

    Nailhead in a 1967 Kell-Mnown Wember

    Yeah, fuel is really cheap in Canada.

    I saw a sign for Euro 98 petrol (different octane number from North America) for 2.119 Euro a litre this afternoon.

    2.119 € = US$ 2.448 for 1 litre.

    US$ 2.448 x 3.785 =

    US$ 9.265 for 1 US gallon

    JESUPERCAT No Slow Boat

    Might as well just buy race fuel:eek:
    Dano likes this.
  11. GSX 554

    GSX 554 Gold Level Contributor

    I think we passed that a few pages back Larry !!
  12. Jim Weise

    Jim Weise EFI/DIS 482

    I don't get it.. exit strategy. why?

    We have had troops in Japan and Germany for 75 years.. South Korea for 70 years...

    In the case of Japan and Germany, we kept them there decades after those countries were a threat to our National Security. They were kept there as strategic assets against the Cold war Foe.. the USSR..

    Our troops in South Korea are there as a deterrent to a real threat.. North Korea..

    And no one bitched about any of those troop deployments.. 20 years?.. that's a drop in the bucket.

    And in the world we live in now, Terrorism is the enemy.. That airbase and those troops in Afghanistan, helped stabilize the Middle east, and they should have stayed their, indefinitely. The Region was settling into an "uncomfortable truce".. But just like a child, with every change in the American government, that child (the Taliban) would test the limits of resolve in the new leadership. Push out a little, and see if you get a push back.. In early 2021, they pushed, and no one pushed back.

    This is the genesis of the events that culminated in the deadly, tale between our legs, withdrawal from the region. Pass the blame off on whoever you like, the truth is that the command structure of our government failed to respond correctly to the threat, for political reasons. No dialog with the Taliban should have ever been started, let alone followed thru.. and this is the fault and shortsightedness of Politicians in both our parties.

    The next terrorist attack from that region is coming, it's not a matter of if...

    Just when.


    Meanwhile, back at home here..

    I am actually much more libertarian in my views socially.. I don't care what you do, just don't get any on me.. and don't even think about indoctrinating children with your perversions.

    You conform to that, then I couldn't care less what you do with your life.. It is the essence of individual liberty.

    Many folks that look at our government from the outside, and too many American citizens, misunderstand our form of government.

    We are not suppose to get along.

    Our Founders set up an advertorial system, where one side fights the other.. this was designed to keep the country firmly rooted "in the middle" socially and financially. It was thought that the fringe elements on the left and right could be kept at bay.. and those elements have always existed.

    In recent years, the fringe elements of one party has started to take control, so you see the other party rise up against that.. and this raises the level of tension and fighting considerably. But this is by design. The harder you try and take away my liberty, the harder I will fight against it.

    "Getting along" and the group-think that goes with it, is the real enemy. It will rob you of your freedom and enslave your children faster that you can blink. The Framers knew this, they had lived it.

    What they did not foresee was the idea of politics as a lifelong career. They expected, as was custom in their time, that a respected member of a community would put his interests aside for two years to be a representative in the House, or for 6 years in the Senate. Once that term was complete, they would go back home and resume their lives. This is why they imposed no term limits. You have to recall, they just rid themselves of authoritarian control, so the last thing they wanted was a powerful federal government. Or powerful individuals within that government. Many representatives of the Continental Congress wanted no Federal Authority at all. And they only would agree to the Constitution, once the Bill of Rights was created.

    The advent of the career politician, always looking for money to keep running for office, and many times with no other income, opened the door to the lobbyists and their seemingly unlimited stores of cash. This is what has corrupted our system, and made it no longer a government that has the citizens best interest at heart..

    Once you understand and accept that truth, they you understand why the national debt is in the trillions, and there is virtually no concern in Washington to get that under fact it is quite the opposite. One party has control now, and they are fighting amongst themselves about how many trillions of dollars they want to spend. The whole thing is utterly ludicrous.. we don't have any money to spend on anything, but the paid for politicians must appease their masters.

    "Unsustainable" is the buzzword of the Eco-warriors these days.

    And that is exactly the correct word to describe our current fiscal policy, if you want to even call it that. It's a house of cards, that has to have a correction, and it is going to be a painful one. Long before the temperature increases globally, and the seas rise, the real crisis that is our government spending will come to a head.

    We all saw on Jan 6 how the American people react when they sense they have been wronged.

    I have a feeling that is going to look like a walk in the park compared to what will happen when the government eventually defaults on the loans, and the devaluation of our currency will wipe out folks life savings, and make buying daily necessities out of reach for many in the middle class. Don't roll your eyes, it already has happened in the recent past to several countries.. Consider the plight of Mexico in the 90's..

    We stepped in, engineering a 50 Billion dollar bailout thru the IMF.. Now, being "the land of the free" we did not impose conditions upon Mexico, to get the loan.. read that as "we did not impose control" over Mexico.

    Do you really think Communist China, which has publicly stated they have aspirations to be the world's only Superpower, is going to be that charitable? I think not, and I fear for the country our children, and their children will live in, when it is under communist influence, or outright control.

    And the sad thing is, that just like Canada, we have done this to ourselves.

    Last edited: Oct 30, 2021
  13. TexasT

    TexasT Texas, where are you from

    Admin edit

    Rich.. the whole climate change deal is another can of worms.. let's avoid that in this already dicey thread.
    ... not that I don't think your right..

    But let's not add that fuel to the fire right now.

  14. Jim Weise

    Jim Weise EFI/DIS 482

    When we say "politics" your correct in thinking we need to stay away from pitting one member against another, via individual elections or actions of the current or past administrations.

    Now, if you want to bitch about the current state of our government in general, which both parties are responsible for, I have no issues with that. If fact, if you don't, my only question is what's wrong with you? Not paying attention?

    You should be.

    I mean really, does anyone out there think "things are going great"...??

    Waterboy and sean Buick 76 like this.
  15. Mike Trom

    Mike Trom Platinum Level Contributor

    Unfortunately politics has gotten so bad that it effects us as individuals on a daily (hourly) basis now. What is happening is not good and everyone needs to open their eyes and pay attention before its too late. I also fear for my kids futures in this world let alone this country. Even they, being 18 an 20 can see what is happening right before their eyes.

    I can't believe that the fate of our nearest city (Buffalo) is even considering voting in a self proclaimed Socialist mayor in a few days. How did we even get to this point where that is even a consideration? This candidate recently had her car towed for 3 unpaid parking tickets (over a year old) and an expired inspection. Just the type of person you want in control right? Not once does she mention her Socialist beliefs during her political adds, I wonder why? I actually like the current Democrat that is the Mayor and I don't typically like Democratic candidates. There is even a socialist agenda candidate running for local Sheriff, she won the Democratic primary for the position. That one is in our district and my family will be voting against her, the City Mayor race we cannot. NYS wants to include illegals in the count when redistricting, loosen the requirements for mail in voting and add same day registration for voting. You have to ask what is the real reason for doing this. I will stop here.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2021
    sean Buick 76 likes this.
  16. pbr400

    pbr400 68GS400

    We’ve raised several generations on ‘Robin Hood’ while censoring or banning ‘The Little Red Hen’. The capitalists have given up trying to teach history and economics and instead started selling T shirts and mugs with pictures of Che on them.
  17. Mister T

    Mister T Just truckin' around

    Back to the Ministry of Silly Walks and how they're funded. You can even apply for a "research" grant.
    Just too much seriousness these days. Time for some levity.
    sean Buick 76 and pbr400 like this.
  18. TORQUED455

    TORQUED455 Well-Known Member

    #2 is a Trojan horse.. No, nope, no, and no for me. 5 is NYC only I think.
  19. GSX 554

    GSX 554 Gold Level Contributor

    I understand Larry . And now the Goalposts have been moved to accommodate the agenda !!
  20. bw1339

    bw1339 Well-Known Member

    People don't learn history and I'm not convinced this is an accident. Every single idea that is being pushed today has been tried before and the results are there to see for anyone who bothers to open a history book.

    What the educational system in this country has become is criminal.
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