HELP!!! My penguins are driving me crazy...

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Waterboy, Jan 17, 2016.

  1. gsfred

    gsfred Founders Club Member

    They are Tree Rats. Taste pretty good though.

  2. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Hey Guys... who knows, maybe some Girls, Thanks for all the replies, pictures, and LAUGHS!!! My oldest son and I came outside after dinner and read all the replies for today. Laughed our butts off!!!

    Shawn Riley... We didn't understand what your squirrels are??? Friends, family, brother, grand kids??? Scotch is nice, especially on a cold night.

    Steve Covington... Boy do I know about the genetic traits part of this whole deal!!! My wife definitely takes after the male penguin. She loves to be authoritative when she has NO idea what is going on! I can't tell you how many times this has worked out BAD.

    Yachtsmanbill... Those girls better not be on YOUR boat and you didn't invite ME!!!

    Fred Weisse... Thank you for this awesome forum!!! It helps me fix my BUICK and my head!!!

    BUICK news: We, my sons and neighbor John, did get a 1983 Buick Regal lowered down onto it's new frame and drive train today. A 1987 Buick T-Type Turbo Regal!!! I started a thread about it MANY months ago called 83, 85, 87 Turbo Regal, or something like that. Unfortunately we don't work that fast. Got it all lowered down and bolted up. It won't be finished for awhile because my youngest son is going to North Africa for 9 months, or a bit longer, with his National Guard unit. So I guess the car will get finished when he gets back, and has more money in his pocket. While we were sometimes planning Plan A, B, C, and sometimes D I got my 68 GS400 convertible running and made a trip to the beer depot. We did a good smokey burnout behind the store and got back to work. Life is good!!! Oh yeah.... "The Penguin report"... They barely ventured outside today. It was 65 and very breezy. Way to cold for them to come outside and bother us. A very good day!!!!!
  3. sriley531

    sriley531 Excommunicado

    Haha, no grandkids for me, im only 31!! In my particular segment of "the wild", squirrels=in-laws. :(

    But glad to hear of the buick progress! My Buick lives in the detached garage about 65 yards behind my house, so just far enough that it makes for a great hiding spot when the wildlife invades!! Nothing like burying tour head in your hobby car to block out the outside world sometimes. (And yeah, I keep some scotch out there too! ;) )
  4. gsfred

    gsfred Founders Club Member

    What are the penguins gonna do... Tonight 48, and tomorrow high of 64 and low of 49. Won't be able to go out of the house due to the cold.
  5. gsfred

    gsfred Founders Club Member

    John, you give me way to much credit. You need to thanks Jim Weise for this wonderful site.
  6. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Hey Shawn Riley... The "penguins" are from your part of the country. They lived in Harrison, Ohio on the Indy border. Now they live in downtown Cincy. I've had a blast up there in my younger years!!! Coney Island Amusement Park and Kings Island were a blast! A million White Castle burgers for my belly and an 8 pak of those Little Kings and I was happy!!! My wife has cousins that live right on the river in Bromley, Ky. I LOVED being a "River Rat!!!" Stay warm good buddy. 7* right now and 3 in the morning??? Is 3 really a number? 56 right here on the back porch and I still won't go inside.
  7. sriley531

    sriley531 Excommunicado

    Yep, its a wee chilly up here! I work in cincy, live about 15 minutes from kings island, and know the Harrison area a bit. Small world!
  8. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Thank you for correcting me Fred. Jim.... THANK YOU!!! As said previously, this sight helped me make my Buick great, (IMHO), and it ALWAYS makes my head feel GREAT too!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Fred... PM coming.........
  9. yachtsmanbill

    yachtsmanbill Well-Known Member

    Hey John... its minus 35 9windchill) here last night; perfect breeding weather for penguins. So socially speaking, the female is the ALPHA brood member??

    I'm leaving in 30 minutes for an 0500hrs handjob at the hospital... Like a carpal tunnel job in my thumb. They called it a "trigger finger" where the thumb clicks really bad and kills me when it happens! Pics to follow.. FREEZE ON !!! ws
  10. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Bill... So sorry about the EXTREME lack of heat up there. It was 51* when I stepped outside a few minutes ago. Way to cold for the penguins today. The female should be up soon. She'll make a crumby bagel and spill most of it on the couch. Good news though. No leaves to track in today!!! The wind is from the north so the leaves are not on the walk. Time to get ready for work. Hope your hand turns out good. JC
  11. Smokey15

    Smokey15 So old that I use AARP bolts.

    Cold and snowy here in Michigan as well. I wish more of the penguins around here would head to the South Pole or stay inside, off the roads!
    Bill, I hope your handjob has a happy ending. You need that trigger finger to be fully functional.
  12. yachtsmanbill

    yachtsmanbill Well-Known Member

    "She'll make a crumby bagel and spill most of it on the couch"

    Just hope the cream cheese and LOX stay on the bagel haha...

    Hand jobs always have happy ending or no tip; savvy? Yeah, it went well, in the O.R. at 0700hrs and wheeling out at 0708. The doc made a 3/8" long cut across the inside knuckle, then a 1/2" vertical cut to relieve the sheath that the tendon rides in and was getting caught on the joint. Just a local so I was cutting the OR team up with some adult humor with Led Zep playing on the overhead. The ortho guys here are great! So, for yer enjoyment, heres a pic of the hand with a wad of paper towels (!!) and a pic of the finished new penguin habitat at MY zoo. That thumb was so full of lidocaine that it felt like a penguin toe in ice water , until; IT WORE OFF. Now it sleeps on a bag of frozen veggies with a few "zestabs"; we all have happy ending. Cant wait for "beer-thirty" tonite LOL... ws


  13. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Yactsmanbill... So glad to hear your hand operation went GREAT!!! I love your new penguin habitat! That looks like a real nice hiding place. I came home today and the penguins were gone. Not "good and gone" like the country song says, just gone for the day. They went to hang out with "crazier penguins." The older sister penguin and her husband.

    The weather report just to make you upset... Right now on my back porch it is 54*, but breezy. I am outside. I HATE inside!!! I have on sweat pants and 3 T-shirts. The last T-shirt is long sleeved. Believe me... it is freezing in my opinion! Hope you recover fast and get back to playing.
    Best regards... JohnCarroll basking in the cold.
  14. Smokey15

    Smokey15 So old that I use AARP bolts.

    Glad your handjob had a happy ending, Bill. Looks like it'll be under wraps for awhile. Hope you heal fast so you can enjoy your new man cave.

    Enjoy your "cold" weather, John. Your penguins are missing out on the wonderful freezing cold up here in the north.
  15. yachtsmanbill

    yachtsmanbill Well-Known Member

    Right now theres 20 rolls of glass insulation in the back of my truck along with $400 of electric stuff and a door opener. The guy in town started on the shifter cable today and it busted moving it. His bro had to get under and find neutral and drive to start and move it. Glad that didn't happen to me! Pretty soon Ill start the inside stuff off an extension cord due to the permafrost LOL... Gonna trench a gas line and 220 direct burial cable out there. I also scrounged a nice thermo-pane 24 X 52 horizontal window for free from the neighbors' rehab job. Its even got a roll up screen (integral) so summer work will have a nice easterly view towards the lake. Still debating on a stone or brick driveway back there that's about 12 X 50 feet. Did a sidewalk to the front door last year that's sweet, but $$$$. Nice brown 1/2" river rock is in the line up. Itll sure be nice to have a landscaped back yard thatll blow the pants off anywhere else in the neighborhood.
    Already looking forward to a rear main job on the 455 and a paint job on the H-D. Still waiting for the guy with the 65 Wildcat to call back about a trade. The CL ad is well expired and the bike season is coming up in the next lunar quarter haha...Meanwhile, a 1.5 dose of the vikes and a local brew beer made my evening... sweet dreams. now I have to let the penguin dogs out and carry the wife off to bed. Nighty night!!! ws

  16. pbr400

    pbr400 68GS400

    Back from hibernation--every time I clean up the kitchen I remember this thread and laugh! So, Waterboy John, it's a year later, are your penguins back? Mine is still here, still doesn't acknowledge the 'sloshy box' nor its role in the 'dirty dishes put into the sink reappear in the cabinet clean a day later' magic.
  17. Smokey15

    Smokey15 So old that I use AARP bolts.

    Inquiring minds want to know! :grin:
  18. TrunkMonkey

    TrunkMonkey Totally bananas

    My hovercraft is full of eels...
  19. yachtsmanbill

    yachtsmanbill Well-Known Member

    Last March, the brood moved up here fro San Antonio with a friggin' portable igloo ; mustve been dry ice because it lasted all summer in the new garage. They either got drunk and fought every nite (territorial thing?) or spent two days sleeping it off and making up. All they left us was a pile of shot, empty vodka bottles, bills, and a bunch of used prophylactics (YUM) in my burn barrel.
    Evidently our penguins didn't like fresh water fish, so they took off for North Carolina until the rainy season melted all the snow and then headed for Dan Diego to live on his dads boat. I think they've migrated from there too... whereabouts unknown! They morphed into armoredildos ws


  20. Smokey15

    Smokey15 So old that I use AARP bolts.

    She looks like she's really jacked to be there! I know the deal. No money for bills (or Bill), but plenty for alcohol and smokes.

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