HELP!!! My penguins are driving me crazy...

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Waterboy, Jan 17, 2016.

  1. TexasT

    TexasT Texas, where are you from

    Where are the pix of this model, er I mean maroon T-Type?
  2. sriley531

    sriley531 Excommunicado

    Hahahaha!! Couldn't have said it better if I wanted to! :cool:
  3. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    WHEW!!! I thought I had nothing to say today. Wrong!!! I'll title this, "A Little Technology is Scary." Last year the female penguin got one of those I pads, or a notepad. I don't know the difference. They're to small for me to bother with. So she gets this I-pad and instantly she's filled with knowledge, or is she just regurgitating what's out there. Every morning she tells me the weather we are going to have, what the weather is in Cincinnati, and what the weather is at their cabin in Kentucky, and on and on. I just have to get up and walk away. So today she comes out and finds me in the backyard. She's all upset and panicky. She tells me she was on Yahoo E-mail, she opened this E-mail, and now she's got a virus. First I talked sternly to my dumb penguin. I told her, "Don't ever open something that you don't know who it's from!" Then I walked away. Then I got really mad!!! Yahoo E-mail??? What the heck was she doing on MY E-mail checking out my stuff? Now I'm really mad. Why is my wife letting her mom go on our E-mail account? Believe me, there is nothing I need to hide on my E-mail. Russia would not even think about spying on me! It was just the "Why" is she opening our mail. So I continued gardening. I planted a bunch of green beans. If they all pop up I can feed the neighborhood! A little while later I ask my "little penguin" why is your mom on our E-mail account. She said that was her mom's E-mail. Whew!!! I felt better! Right after Deb and I got finished talking her mom comes out. I asked her if she called that number that was in the E-mail. She mumbled something and said, "My I-pad is still broken." Then she says, "Now I won't be able to find out the weather in the morning!" YEAH!!!!!! I don't have to be read to tomorrow morning.

    On a different note... We had a heck of a storm last night! The little penguin wakes me up around 12:45. She says the stove has been beeping, lots of lights in the house don't work, and the fridge and stand up freezer are off. Bummer! We lost a leg or something. So I get a hold of FP&L and they tell me 8 houses are effected. It'll be fixed by 7:!5 tomorrow. Bummer! So I get 2 extension chords, plug them into the fridge and freezer, and then go looking for outlets that still work. I get it done and go to watch the approaching storm on radar. My porch still has electric. Right about then 2 big FP&L bucket trucks show up. Within minutes we had NO electric anywhere. Geese, I just wasted my time moving the fridge and freezer to get behind them and now NO electric. I could have stayed asleep!!!
    It was cold and windy here all day. The bank thermometer said 75 this morning. The penguins never left their brood! Y'all have a GREAT night.
  4. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    WHEW!!! I thought I had nothing to say today. Wrong!!! I'll title this, "A Little Technology is Scary." Last year the female penguin got one of those I pads, or a notepad. I don't know the difference. They're to small for me to bother with. So she gets this I-pad and instantly she's filled with knowledge, or is she just regurgitating what's out there. Every morning she tells me the weather we are going to have, what the weather is in Cincinnati, and what the weather is at their cabin in Kentucky, and on and on. I just have to get up and walk away. So today she comes out and finds me in the backyard. She's all upset and panicky. She tells me she was on Yahoo E-mail, she opened this E-mail, and now she's got a virus. First I talked sternly to my dumb penguin. I told her, "Don't ever open something that you don't know who it's from!" Then I walked away. Then I got really mad!!! Yahoo E-mail??? What the heck was she doing on MY E-mail checking out my stuff? Now I'm really mad. Why is my wife letting her mom go on our E-mail account? Believe me, there is nothing I need to hide on my E-mail. Russia would not even think about spying on me! It was just the "Why" is she opening our mail. So I continued gardening. I planted a bunch of green beans. If they all pop up I can feed the neighborhood! A little while later I ask my "little penguin" why is your mom on our E-mail account. She said that was her mom's E-mail. Whew!!! I felt better! Right after Deb and I got finished talking her mom comes out. I asked her if she called that number that was in the E-mail. She mumbled something and said, "My I-pad is still broken." Then she says, "Now I won't be able to find out the weather in the morning!" YEAH!!!!!! I don't have to be read to tomorrow morning. On a different note... We had a heck of a storm last night! The little penguin wakes me up around 12:45. She says the stove has been beeping, lots of lights in the house don't work, and the fridge and stand up freezer are off. Bummer! We lost a leg or something. So I get a hold of FP&L and they tell me 8 houses are effected. It'll be fixed by 7:!5 tomorrow. Bummer! So I get 2 extension chords, plug them into the fridge and freezer, and then go looking for outlets that still work. I get it done and go to watch the approaching storm on radar. My porch still has electric. Right about then 2 big FP&L bucket trucks show up. Within minutes we had NO electric anywhere. Geese, I just wasted my time moving the fridge and freezer to get behind them and now NO electric. I could have stayed asleep!!! It was cold and windy here all day. The bank thermometer said 75 this morning. The penguins never left their brood! Y'all have a GREAT night.
  5. yachtsmanbill

    yachtsmanbill Well-Known Member

    Those penguins and that arctic blast got you so worked up that yer double clutching there John! Life is full-syncro ya know?. :Brow: ws
  6. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    You are quite right about the double clutching Bill. I also crunched it into 3rd as the female penguin came into the kitchen this morning. She walked into to the kitchen, I said, "Good morning." She said, "Is it?" I wanted to say, "It was till you walked into the kitchen!" I'm started to find going to work enjoyable. Oy vey!!!!!
  7. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Rich... I just sent my buddy another request for the picture of the model, er maroon T-Type. Coming soon hopefully.:Brow:
  8. Smokey15

    Smokey15 So old that I use AARP bolts.

    Me thinks he's not the only one who would like to see those pics. :grin: Buncha pervs on here. :laugh: Are the doors open on the Buick!!??
  9. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    BREAKING NEWS!!! This is WPEC Channel 12 with breaking news. Some hot models were seen last Sunday morning at the Palm Beach Outlet all. There were some 3,000 cars there, but the models all flocked to the two Buick T-Types. Rumor has it that the men were bragging about how fast they could get it done. As you can see, Shev, the owner of the maroon T-Type won hands down. More breaking news at 6 PM.

    Attached Files:

  10. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    PS.... It is going to be an awesome afternoon when I get home in a few minutes!!! The big penguins are at the County Fair. The little penguin is meeting them there. I will be home all by myself. Thank you Lord!!!!!!!!
  11. Smokey15

    Smokey15 So old that I use AARP bolts.

    Thanks for the candy! Enjoy your space while you can. Hope those predatory birds stay at the county fair late enough for you to get some relaxation.
  12. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    OK ,I'd better write it now because I might not have a chance later on. Something about the mind going numb and the fingers don't type very well. The male penguin came home. I could see he was kinda pissed. Somehow knew my solitude would not last very long.:( I was enjoying raking my driveway grass, without any questions, preparing it for some grass seed. Yes, things are still growing here. They never stop! As I was raking he drives up to first place parking. That is another irritating fact. Why do the guests, holy crap, they're guests? Bad choice of words!!! Why do the penguins seem to think they're car should be closest to the house. Park across the street in the apartments!!! So he asks me if it's OK to park there. I guess he couldn't see that I was working right there. I said, "No. The sprinkler will be on here soon." He left. Said he needed to get something to eat. I get the grass raked, put down grass seed, turn on the sprinkler, and he comes back home. He parked right in the middle of a 4 car driveway. WTF!!! I should turn the front sprinkler on, accidentally, so his car gets spots all over it! Back to the real story.... The 2 penguins went to the County Fair. They went with the female penguin's sister and husband. Those 2 are real loony birds. 5 minutes with them over and I'm out the door! They were supposed to meet up with the little penguin, and later on my AWESOME son, wife, and grand kids. I can only guess the female loony bird pissed the male penguin off! She can do that. Last time she came over the house she tried to tell me, "I should have done my "Homework" and NOT voted for that guy." I've got his signs all over my house!!! I dam near wanted to kick her a$$!!!! I don't think it would have been a Felony cause I'm an old fart too. It would have been a Mister Meaner for sure! Anyhow, I am sure the female loony bird made all kinds of comments about the illegals at the fair, and why are they here? Cause YOU voted for them to be here you D.A.!!! So that's why my solitude is broken. Actually it is not to bad right now. The male penguin went straight to his roost and he is ca cooing right now. WHEW!!! Thanks for letting me relieve myself here. Actually I relieved myself in the backyard when I went to get another protein drink. Now I'm going to hang out with Willie Nelson Jr. and do a bunch of bad things.:bla: :beer:bglasses: I think I still need the 2 smiley guys "sharing!!!"
  13. Smokey15

    Smokey15 So old that I use AARP bolts.

    Here ya go......... doobie.gif doobie.gif new02.gif emot-350.gif
  14. yachtsmanbill

    yachtsmanbill Well-Known Member

    Mere TROLLYPS! Yer over stimulated. Relax! I cant talk with my sister anymore (haven't seen her in 30+ years anyway!) but she's a libertard. I told when she ever gets back this way we could do a nice dinner. She replied with "I don't eat mammal meat"... WTF??? Are penguins vegans too? Smells like fish eat all you wish. Smells like perfume do not consume?? BTW she was at the hen march in Manhattan the other day. I think a male BLUE penguin sprayed her (pepper spray you pervs!). I wish there was a Starbux here... I feel like smashing some glass. The joke is on those who DONT understand. ws
  15. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

  16. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Toby Kieth and Scott Emirik taking a trip on Willie's bus is a great tune. I'll call it tonight's song.:cool: Bill, becareful with that cold concrete. I have some warm Florida cardboard.
  17. 66electrafied

    66electrafied Just tossing in my nickel's worth

    Do you guys know how tough it is to paint luminescent paint on watch hands when you're giggling like a schoolgirl? Dang it! Wrecked another set!

    1942 Luftwaffe Alpina.JPG Even the bloody picture downloaded cock-eyed. Can't rotate it to the right. Anyway, it's a 1942 Luftwaffe Alpina, it started as a parts watch, just finished getting it running and usable again. It now runs like a Buick. And after 3 failed attempts, I managed to get the hands lumed, so they now glow in the dark again like they were supposed to back during the war.

    So while you're fooling around with penguins in the heat, (ie outside) some of us are forced indoors to fiddle around aimlessly under three layers of optic glass with a set of tweezers restoring little bits of Axis Eurotrash. It's supposedly relaxing. However, between playing fetch with the cat and reading V-8 Buick it's tough to get anything done...
  18. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Mark, You are amazing! I could be wrong, but haven't you been out here before fixing watches? I think that is awesome!!! I'd need new hands. Mine twitch to much and they cramp up. Getting old sucks, sometimes. :)>
    Right now I'm BBQing some burgers OUTSIDE. I do have 2 T-shirts on.
  19. pbr400

    pbr400 68GS400

  20. yachtsmanbill

    yachtsmanbill Well-Known Member

    Where the heck do you get radium? I have a WAAKMAN (sp) 4 dial chronograph that my mom gave my dad for a wedding present. When she ordered it and it came in, the jeweler wanted to keep it for a few days to show off. It was probably a grand in 1954. It needs some serious attention. Ill hafta post a pic... ws


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