fahrenheit 911

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Gumby, Jun 25, 2004.

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  1. txgwildcat

    txgwildcat Guest

    So you're a philosopher?
  2. NickDFX

    NickDFX Well-Known Member

    first off, I didn't say "he was fat" I said his head was fat.
    second, even if I did, who cares, free speech remember?
    third, screw Moore! He's an entertainment ambulance chaser. Using his 5 minutes at the podium for his politics. If he's such an activist, then why doesn't he find some gas and pour it on himself, or better yet, go to Iraq and sit in front of a moving tank. The thing is..even the liberals can't stand him. He got fired from a San Fransisco news rag for printing lies and using the paper as his bully pulpit. That's got to be tough to do.
  3. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

    I think his number one argument is the fact that the Bushes, theyre buddies and their financial entities have been have been making billions of dollars off the Saudi's for decades. this is fact not propaganda. The supposed left leaning mainsteam media had the same picture's for as long or longer than Moore and did nothing, so much for the great anti Bush media conspiracy.
    And if I'm not mistaken Rumsfeld had picture's of the abuse as long ago as January and he sure did rush to hold a press conferance to make sure every one knew the Administration would never condone this sort of thing.
    Bottom line is your pissed, your pissed that anyone would dare to go after "your guy" like this. Welcome to the kitchen...... sure is hot huh?

  4. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

    Your right, you are free call his head fat, I dont think even he would argue that point, no matter how irrelevant it is to the case you make.
    And using the "fat" analogy wouldnt make him a good chaser of anything.
    He is however a filmmaker, who makes important films about things that stir people's emotions, can I get an "Amen" on that.
    In this vein I would say he is good at what he does, being a thorn in the side of the subjects of his films.

  5. txgwildcat

    txgwildcat Guest

    Kind of like a Gadfly
  6. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

    More like a Beezlebug

  7. txgwildcat

    txgwildcat Guest

    WTF is a Beezlebug?
  8. NickDFX

    NickDFX Well-Known Member

    Film maker?...No. He is a person who makes "shock-u-mentaries" He even admits that the things in his films are not all true and are cut in a way to exagerate his opinions. Calling him a film maker is as much of a reach as calling his films documentaries. His flik that attacked GM and Buick in Flint is an enflamatory piece of crap. Even his theft of the title "Fahrenheit" from Ray Bradbury should tell you that this guy is nothing more than a grandstander who creates nothing of value and draws lines and conclusions that support his own selfish opinions.

    And Bradbury himself is pissed.
  9. austingta

    austingta Well-Known Member

  10. TJDIV

    TJDIV Well-Known Member

    I think the government should buy my 68 LeSabre so I don't have to fix the brakes.


    We have more problems than 3 or 4.
  11. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

    Correct me someone if I am wrong,
    A beezlebug is satan in the form of a mosquito that buzzs around your bedroom at night while you are trying to sleep

  12. MPRY1

    MPRY1 Gear Banger

    LMAO :laugh: No I'm hardly pissed. More amused at watching the rabid Bush haters defend their FAT prophet Michael Moore.

    Michael Moore, Noam Chomsky, Al Frankin and all the rest of the rabid far left will not sway voters come election day. They are preaching to the choir. Hell, the amount of venom they spew scares away most moderates.
    Ever hear of the saying "You catch more bees with honey then vinager"? If people actually wanted to hear that vitriol, Air America wouldn't be tanking as badly as it is. Maybe the Dems will finally realize that going to the far left did nothing but alienate the majority of it's core voters. Read what Zel Miller has to say about his party.

    I must admit, it will be great to hear the left whine how the evil George Bush stoled another election come November. :grin:

    I love election years. :grin:
  13. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

    Me Too:laugh:

  14. BadBrad

    BadBrad Got 4-speed?

    If you were on the job (not in your personal residence) making Mr. Happy well, happy, using a company intern wrongly for your own pleasure, keeping Yasser Arafat waiting outside, and you got caught and then lied about it, what would your boss say?
  15. txgwildcat

    txgwildcat Guest

    Don't tell my girlfriend but I don't have a boss. I can never get away with lying to her. I just don't think it is appropriate to ask certain things.
  16. GranSportWagon

    GranSportWagon Silver Level contributor

    As was stated those that have seen the movie have minds made up and it appears that those that didn't see the movie have their minds made up as well. Which is too bad because this country was founded on dialog and opposing views.
    So here is a movie that basically outlines and presents issues that the Administration does not want viewed by the public. This movie asks tough questions, shows images of what happens when war occurs. Is it bad to be informed?
    Here is the 64000 dollar question..............IF this movie is full of lies and fabrications, distortions and mis-quotes, why is not every able bodied attorney suing Moore and his production company and legally getting injunctions to stop the movie from being shown?
  17. MPRY1

    MPRY1 Gear Banger

    I saw the movie and I wasn't all that impressed. Like I said, it's all accustation and no proof. Anyone can make a claim or accusation. I can say that aliens are actually controlling the entire government. The thing is, ya kind of need PROOF for it to be taken seriously.

    Michael Moore was on the Daily Show last week and he out right addmited it was more Op-Ed then actual truth. If he himself says it's not fact then why should anyone take it for more then what it is, propaganda. :Dou:

    Calling F-911 truth is like saying X files is based on a true story. :laugh:
  18. custom

    custom Well-Known Member

    1. MM is an out of work GM screw shooter that isn't capable of holding a real job. Every few years he throws these crudley produced movies together in an attempt to shock and in order to make a buck.
    2. I find it interesting the way he will travel to MI and show all the black people that have had sons who joined the Service and ended up in Iraq simply because "that was thier only way out of the inner city". Interesting to note that 6 out of 10 black kids in the inner city are born out of wedlock and don't know their dad. So this is Bush's fault? MM is making money off these people. I wonder if he ever goes back to these people to give them a slice of the pie? You sign up with the military and you'd better have the common sense to understand that you may be called upon to actually serve. It's not a college grant program.
    3. MM actually faults Bush for his lack of response when getting the word that a 2nd plane had hit the 2nd tower on 9/11 in front of a classroonm full of little kids, suggesting that he expected the news. I recall that Bush held his composure because he had the children in mind, instructing the reporters present that "this isn't the place or time to discuss the matter".
    4. MM also shows a father in Iraq holding up his bloody dead baby. A sad result of war. However, does MM have the guts to do a documentary of the daily killing of babies in the abortion clinic down the street? By the way it has been proven that there is a higher % of these clinics in the inner cities. Neither he nor his godless H'wood left wing friends talk about this type of money making machine that expolits the poor. But them again it's a "woman's right to have access to health care".
    5. If you saw "Bowling for Columbine" MM actually tried to blame Dick Clark for the death of a small child who had found a gun under the bed at his Uncle's house and ended up dead. See the mom was on the "welfare to work" program and left her children at her brother's house each day to be watched while she went to work at one of Clark's cafes. MM asked Clark if he felt guilty that the mom had to leave her kids each day to work in his cafe which of course led to the child's death. MM never went to talk the Uncle to ask why the moron kept a loaded gun within the reach of a child.
    To MM and the Left, everyone is a victim.
    6. Bush will win the election. I've watched Kerry say he can fix everything (he has plans) but of course he can never share what they are. However, he did state yesteday that he would fight terrorism by improved Military Intel. Then I watch night vision movies of Bin Laden entering a building with some of his men which was presented to Clinton while he was in office but didn't seize the opportunity to take him out. But while Clintons book is about to go on sale, he was quoted as saying he met with Bush before leaving office and claimed that he told Bush that two of the biggest dangers to this country was Bin Laden and Hussein but Bush changed the subject.
    7. The left wants Kerry to lose so Hillary can run in '08. He's the lamb they are willing to have slaughtered.
    8. If MM wants to film scandal involving money, why doesn't he just dig into how Hillary made 100K overnight in the cattle trading business.
    Yes the left is desperate and will do anything to discredit a man like Bush who stands for something. But it's so ironic that it comes form people like MM, Kerry, Sharpton, Gore, Jackson and Kennedy. (by the way Mary Jo Kepetnik is still not available for comment)
  19. txgwildcat

    txgwildcat Guest

    You know something, you're not telling us?

    I lived a thousand times
    I found out what it means to be believed
  20. MPRY1

    MPRY1 Gear Banger

    Yes I do.... You better put your tin foil hat on, because the government is constantly scanning our brain waves with microwaves. Oh and the UN is planning on doing a military takeover of the US as well.

    Thats all I can tell you, I have probably already said to much since I can hear the black helocopters flying over head. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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