Doc's Riv Lives!

Discussion in ''Da Nailhead' started by Bigpig455, Jun 20, 2014.

  1. Bigpig455

    Bigpig455 Fastest of the slow....

    Ha! This is truly the week of good news!

    Tore that car apart, much to my niece's dismay I made her drive over to my house to do it. She still mentions it.

    OK, so now that you're OK and all that......what's next? We need to see some finished product. this board doesn't take slackers lightly! I seem to recall a 65 GS with the nose scattered through all points of the compass! And save one of those 425's for me, and I expect a ST-400 with that!

    (it's important to point out that I am in possession of a very rare, hand carried Holley 3 bbl that I have done absolutely nothing with!)
  2. doc

    doc Well-Known Member

    If I could get someone to give me $7,000 for that car,,, they would get it and all the new parts along with it..... I have it about 90% done now,,, it can be started up and moved around,,, I got to find the leak in the newly rebuilt switch pitch.... :laugh: before I can take it out on the street.....
  3. Bigpig455

    Bigpig455 Fastest of the slow....

    Ugh - good luck with that. Mine leaks like crazy and I've tried sealing it at least 3 times. Pan mostly, but front cover and seal too. If it didn't kick like a mule the ST400 would be sitting in it's place a year ago....
  4. doc

    doc Well-Known Member

    Rhett,,, there is a large o-ring that seals the front pump.... you have to remove the tork converter, take out the ring of bolts that holds the front pump and then pull the front pump cover off and the o-ring is on the edge of the cover.... that is why mine is still leaking,,, i havent done that.... yet.... :laugh:
  5. Bigpig455

    Bigpig455 Fastest of the slow....

    nope - that thing is going to it's grave with tranny fluid on it's chin. I'm done chasing leaks. Took me 30 years to figure that out!
  6. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    Hi Doc, It's been a while since we have heard from you. It's great that there is no Cancer. Really glad that you are on the mend.
  7. doc

    doc Well-Known Member

    I hear ya.... it is a lot easier just to keep pouring the fluid in.....:Brow::laugh::laugh:

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