Doc's Riv Lives!

Discussion in ''Da Nailhead' started by Bigpig455, Jun 20, 2014.

  1. Bigpig455

    Bigpig455 Fastest of the slow....

    But not the one you're thinking of.....

    A year or two ago I bought Doc's 96 Riviera 3.8 SC for my newly licensed 17 year old niece. Normally, this would have been a death sentence for too nice a car, but as miracles have it she never piled it up, dented it or anything else, even in a real icy winter. It held together for lack of oil changes or any other kind of maintenance, and she now is off to North Carolina ahead of college and is done with it. So my sister is driving it before it gets passed to the next niece, and she just happened to stop by today on her way through, and park right behind my 65 (so there's the nailhead connection).

    Had to snap a shot for Doc, and thank him again. Someday, I may even get to drive it for a while!

    Attached Files:

  2. 66gsconv

    66gsconv nailhead apprentice

    Nice picture Rhett. Cool loking buicks. Nice street and houses. I did notice somthing, no rubber marks in front of house:laugh:
  3. Bigpig455

    Bigpig455 Fastest of the slow....

    Down the hill and around the corner, and always from a just can't crap where you eat, if you get my drift!
  4. 66gsconv

    66gsconv nailhead apprentice

    Great answer:TU:
  5. Bigpig455

    Bigpig455 Fastest of the slow....

    Not if you talk to the people who live around the corner!
  6. doc

    doc Well-Known Member

    it is good to see the old gal again....:laugh: I am waiting to see if I have cancer.... may change my situation , car wise..... dont know yet.....
  7. Bigpig455

    Bigpig455 Fastest of the slow....

    I guess that could potentially change more than your car situation. I'm praying for you, and that's not normally my thing.
  8. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    Love my 98 Riviera. They are awesome cars.
  9. 66gsconv

    66gsconv nailhead apprentice

    Doc, your in our prayers. Try to keep a strong positive attitude
  10. doc

    doc Well-Known Member

    Thanks.... will find out Friday....
  11. Bigpig455

    Bigpig455 Fastest of the slow....

    That's a long week. Call me if you wanna talk.
  12. bhambulldog

    bhambulldog 1955 76-RoadmasterRiviera

    My prayers for you Doc
  13. doc

    doc Well-Known Member

    Keep on James,,, I need all the help I can get.....:laugh::laugh:
  14. 300sbb_overkill

    300sbb_overkill WWG1WGA. MAGA

    Doc,you gotta be the coolest Nail Head guy on this forum,my prayers are with you. I'm hoping for a good Friday for you,best of luck.

  15. Bigpig455

    Bigpig455 Fastest of the slow....

    Thinking of you today, Doc.
  16. RVA65GS

    RVA65GS Active Member

    Hey Doc,

    Always enjoy reading your posts and I've learned a thing or two from them:Smarty:. <---And it cracks me up every time you use that guy.

    I think you are a true hot rodder.

    Hoping for the best for you and your family today.

  17. doc

    doc Well-Known Member

    OOOOOK,,,,GUYS,,,, GOOD NEWS,,,, NO,,,NO,,,,,CANCER....... Thanks to God....... Dr. thinks that I just popped a blood vessel that caused the bleeding.... Thanks for all the good wishes,thoughts and prayers..... :Brow: Now all I got to do is get over all the needling ,,prodding,, poking and stuff that was done to me doing the biopsy....
  18. Bigpig455

    Bigpig455 Fastest of the slow....

    Great news! Really, really glad to hear it.
  19. DasRottweiler

    DasRottweiler -BuickAddict-

    Fantastic news Doc, you and yours must be so relieved. In a world where bad things happen to good people, it's nice to have something good happen to a good person. I don't know you personally, but have read a lot of your posts and appreciate you sharing of knowledge, like many others. Glad I can continue to garner info from you and your posts. Carry on Buick Brother...... Jim/Rott
  20. doc

    doc Well-Known Member

    Hey,,, Rhett,,, I finally found the long lost air compressor.... it was underneath the spare in the car that we gave to our youngest kid....:Dou: not ever used .....:laugh:

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