Disturbing News Right Now

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by mechacode, Sep 1, 2004.

  1. custom

    custom Well-Known Member

    You are correct. People are not informed and are easily fooled. Their "religion" teaches them that anyone that does not believe is an infidel and either must convert or die. To them to die in the act of killing others who don't believe is an honor for which they will be rewarded in the after life. Rest assured. God will not be mocked. Hell is real.
  2. 9secStage1

    9secStage1 Worlds Fastest GS Stage 1

    The following was taken from the web site Jihadwatch.org regarding the Russian situation. Also check out http://www.prophetofdoom.net/

    "An extract from the New York Times that a journalist managed to contact one of these islamo-fascist terrorists. This terrorist said they were part of the "Second Group of the Salakhin Riadus Shakhidi" which is believed to be headed by Shamil Basayev. This is the guy who when he was Chechnyan Pri-minister invaded Russian Dagestan..and who took hostage everyone in that hospital years ago...and whose relatives lead the hostage taking of all those people in the Moscow russian theatre disaster. Basayev is not just interested in "liberating chechnya" he wants to invade the neighboring areas of russia and turn it into a islamist state. What disgusts me is that the media does the whole world a great disservice and tends to ignore this or greatly downplay it. I never read/hear the word islamist anywhere in newspapers or on the tv when these Chechnyan green-shirts go on jihad."

    Sorry for the boredom and rant, just time to wake up and ask many question and research the answers. Now I will stick with what this board is about...BUICKS.
  3. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    Every world power needs to hit back hard, show these arse's that we're not going to sit back and watch. Every time we let them get away with it on their terms, we're only showing them that they and others can get away with it. The russians should storm in there and go for headshots. A few will be killed but it may make future terrorists think twice. We shouldn't be holding them in prisons, they should be executed on spot in front of all the other terrorists, one by one while the others are forced to watch.

    I'm in a brutal mood tonight. :Do No:
  4. VandaLL

    VandaLL The Buick Life

    i didn't put any words in your mouth, i was asking if that's what you were stating. it would have been worth the Russian govt to go against their "promise" of never negotiating with "terrorists".. of course they just started shooting people, not really caring what happened. i would have bet money it would turn out like that. i didnt claim to know who the group was that seized the school, and i didn't think anyone else knew for sure either. i am not defending their actions, but we need to take in to perspective the history there. mecha, you shoudl call the Russians terrorists, too...

    from Robert Pelton's DangerFinder:
    "Forget oil, forget the mafiya, forget global strategy, forget islamic fundamentalists, forget all that strategic Trans Caucasian gobbledy gook. The war (s) in Chechnya are about Russia trying to hold on to the frayed tatters of their Soviet pipedream. Chechnya is just one of a cluster of tiny southern republics that don't want to be under the skirts of Mother Russia.

    War has always been the way to keep Russians complaining about something other than the corrupt government. A bear looks pretty docile and weak when its hibernating so its better if it looks tough and pissed. It rears up and makes those nasty teeth. It used to growl at America but we kicked its teeth in. Then they growled at Afghanistan but it stepped on a trap. And now they are growling at Chechnya. But that growl doesn't have teeth or brains anymore. At press time it remains to be seen how bad a mauling the bear will get from the wolf packs. For now the Russians military contents itself with a sound and light killing show while hiding its true losses.

    It took a while (four months) for Yeltsin backers to figure out that Putin needed something more than his lack of charisma to get elected. So voila. Nasty apartment bombings (engineering by the Putin's buds at the FSB), attacks on Dagestani villages and Basayev and his volunteers come running. So its Wag the Wolf: The Ultimate Election Blockbuster! Mug the Media: The Ultimate Horror Story! Both films are now playing in Chechnya. Ex-spy Putin took a page from ex-spy Bush and ex-caught-in-the-bush Clinton to create a media-blind election event. Smash the terrorists! (bomb the old people), Win the war! (lock up the journos), Conquer Chechnya! (stay out of the towns), War without Casualties! (burn them in piles) and so on.

    For now, Chechnya is a nice place if you sell Grad Rockets and have one of those 50's era basements.


    it's easy when we are so sheltered to point fingers and blame people without knowing much of what is going on. this school incident would seem like nothing compared to Russia's violence toward Chechnya.. and we claim these Islamics hate our freedom but that is what they have been fighting for for a long time.

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