Co-worker & friend viciously beaten,left for dead

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by STAGE III, Apr 17, 2018.

  1. hwprouty

    hwprouty Platinum Level Contributor

    John you are not alone.
    I consider you a friend!
    STAGE III likes this.

    STAGE III Lost Experimental 455-4 Bolt Main Block.

    Hi Guys,

    "Superman" has returned! I was down at the warehouse giving my brother a hand when I heard a familar chugging old Ford pickup truck pulling in with none other than Robert driving!!! He was released from rehab and dosen't even need the portable oxygen tank we were afraid would be a permanent need!
    I have been watching him like a hawk ready to grab him as he can still be unstable but he came to the warehouse for the third time today for a few hours before leaving for the dialysis for 4 hours (EVERY Monday,Wednesday & Friday. I have noticed his hearing is poor as a result of the beating with pipes or baseball bats to his head by the two low lifes that attacked him that also broke 6 ribs kicking him while he was down).
    We have been friends for a long time so he doesn't direct it my way but he definitely hasn't been real warm and fuzzy (not a new thing!lol) to my older brother when he crosses the line, and he needs to sit down a lot but praise God he survived.
    I am sure he has all sorts of pain and will maybe for life but he NEVER complains and he has been a hero to me with my long list of injuries to never give up.
    Just wanted to thank everyone who lifted him up in prayer and sent well wishes, now if he could just get the kidney transplant (been on dialysis for over EIGHT YEARS! Yet another miracle! PLUS he had a liver transplant over TWENTY YEARS ago! see why I call him Superman?).
    Unfortunately as my brother is 69 and Robert (65) and I can no longer do the labor intensive,heavy work any more(I haven't been able since 2013 when badly hurt) we will be auctioning off the over 15,00 sq ft of equipment (stacked 3 pallet racks high!) as well as the building with our name on it.
    Going to be difficult saying good bye to the company Dad started back in 1973 and soon after got me involved and then my brother. Were some tremendous adventures going into 100 plus year old closed down plants,wheeling and dealing, making old equipment look like new AND standing behind it but it is time.
    Thanks again for your prayers and most of all putting up with my special insanity I let loose ocassinally around here : )

    Hope I have enough left in me to get my Poor Touring "X" running, is a bit daunting with working outside with no lift and a laundry list of old injuries that can hit me like a freight train with no warning, but will just think about my buddy Robert and keep on keeping on.

    Blessings to all of you and on your projects : )


    BYoung, PGSS, 1972Mach1 and 3 others like this.
  3. bhambulldog

    bhambulldog 1955 76-RoadmasterRiviera

    That's great news!
    My continued prayers for y'all
    STAGE III likes this.

    STAGE III Lost Experimental 455-4 Bolt Main Block.

    Robert still has dialysis ever other day for 4 hours and I know he still has pain from the beating but he won't complain.
    Anyhow he is doing MUCH better! Thanks again for the prayers and all : )
    He even brought his lil buddy in the other day :)
  5. 1972Mach1

    1972Mach1 Just some M.M.O.G. guy.....

    Thats great news, Fritz! Glad he's recovering and coming back around.
    STAGE III likes this.
  6. britt'sStage 1

    britt'sStage 1 A Lone Wolf In D.C.

    My prayers for healing, and prayers for Justice...God is a GOD of Both. Mr.Jay B.Britt,Jr.
    STAGE III likes this.

    STAGE III Lost Experimental 455-4 Bolt Main Block.

    Aaaaaaaaamen brother Jay!:)

    STAGE III Lost Experimental 455-4 Bolt Main Block.

    Please keep Robert in your prayers. He and I have been single handly trying to scrap out thousands of sq ft of equipment that won't be auctioned all in the crushing warehouse heat. He started coughing up big clots of blood so don't know if one of the broken ribs from his beating punctured something they missed or what's going on but they are going to scope him and hopefully lazer cauterize anything they find. He is an amazing guy, I just want to see him as well as possible with all he is dealing with.
  9. britt'sStage 1

    britt'sStage 1 A Lone Wolf In D.C.

    He's in my prayers. Mr.Jay B.Britt,Jr.
  10. DeeVeeEight

    DeeVeeEight Well-Known Member

    Prayers for Robert and for you too....

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