Buicks and Babes

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by CJB72Skylark, Oct 4, 2008.

  1. 70sLark

    70sLark Well-Known Member

    You work in a sign shop??? [Worked at one for several years myself long ago but most of my work was putting up the big ones for GM dealers n such.]

    Maybe we could do business, haven't found anyone intresting in making a custome sticker I want. Would be willing to have a bunch made up to a point to make it worth your time.

    PM me for details.
  2. Running

    Running Midwest Buick Mafia

    So when are you going to take some pictures with a car in it? :birthday:
  3. CJB72Skylark

    CJB72Skylark Moderator

  4. bob k. mando

    bob k. mando Guest

    he's saying that he's a bit distracted from objects in the "background" by what's in the "foreground".

    a complementary remark on how your girlfriend looks.

    i think the "Happy Birthday" smiley was added simply to give the line a goof ball flavor.
  5. KC Wade

    KC Wade Well-Known Member

    now THAT is a picture...can you send me the unphotoshopped one (unless that is your wife or GF, then I say congrats on both the car and your special lady!)
  6. Topcat

    Topcat Got TORQUE?

    It's Paul Bunyon's sausage grinder..:grin:

    .......no, actually it's some kind of stone crusher theat is on display outside of a stone quarry....central Ohio....

    Peace WildBill
  7. BadBrad

    BadBrad Got 4-speed?

    Lucky car......:rolleyes:
  8. Sergeant Major

    Sergeant Major Biggest Nut in the Can

    Classy Cullen!!!:TU: Classy Lady and a Classic Car..hey life's Great!!!:beers2: Though I'm still tryin to figure out WildBill and that Iron thing... Bill where did you get the Buick shades????
  9. gui_tarzan

    gui_tarzan Certifiable

    Good lookin' women and good lookin' cars have always gone well together. I think your photos are nice Cullen, your gal is a champ for letting you post them or put them in a calendar. One thing I've always appreciated is the female form and I have no shame in saying that. Classy, not trashy. I'd be more than a bit nervous having my wife stand on the car like that but the old ones can take it. Somewhere I have a picture of my wife sitting on the hood of my first '64 but it's a really old pic and isn't calendar worthy because of the quality of the pre-35mm Kodak I had in 1981. Women can be sexy as all get out fully clothed, it's more in the attitude than how much skin is shown.

  10. adamst56

    adamst56 Well-Known Member

    found this one on a Mustang site of all places, have to appreciate the duality of being able to capture the front and rear in a single shot :kodak:

    Attached Files:

  11. 1970GS455

    1970GS455 Well-Known Member

    I think this is the ones. [​IMG]

  12. 69SkyInNJ

    69SkyInNJ Resto Neophyte

    Look pa, 4 headlights. And there's a nice car there to! :Brow: :Brow: :Brow:
  13. CJB72Skylark

    CJB72Skylark Moderator

    Some would argue 8 headlights
  14. Sergeant Major

    Sergeant Major Biggest Nut in the Can

    Would have been better without the dumpsters in the background...:Do No:
  15. bignastyGS

    bignastyGS Maggot pilot

    But...that's where Wayn-0 parks it when he's done with it...:laugh:
    Wayne...tell the boy to move his hands a bit lower next time.That chick with the brunette hair is HOT!!!! If only I didn't love my wife so much.
    Your Pal
  16. 70sLark

    70sLark Well-Known Member

    Tried to take them out but I have only used the clone tool a few times and screwed it all up.
  17. Joshua

    Joshua Well-Known Member

    Here is my pic. My car and a friend.

    Attached Files:

  18. Justa350

    Justa350 I'm BACK!

    Damn. A friend "with benefits" perhaps?
  19. bob k. mando

    bob k. mando Guest

    Here is my pic. My car and a friend.

    no offense, but that just screams "Axl Rose" at me.
  20. 70sLark

    70sLark Well-Known Member

    You just need to put a rebel flag on the roof and a big 01 on the door ;)

    still learning that clone tool.

    And it would be Kid Rock now over Roses.


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