Buicks and Babes

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by CJB72Skylark, Oct 4, 2008.

  1. CJB72Skylark

    CJB72Skylark Moderator

    At the request of a few of you guys I grabbed my girl and my car and headed out for some photos today. Here is a preview of what I sent in for the calendar.
  2. 70sLark

    70sLark Well-Known Member

    You sir better show your gratitude and work it until your tongue goes numb ;)

    Now off to load up PSP for its mega zoom............
  3. Topcat

    Topcat Got TORQUE?

    Looks like the calendar has made some progress :TU:

    I had better send in those pictures i took.......

    Peace WildBill
  4. CJB72Skylark

    CJB72Skylark Moderator

    That made her face very, very red, lol.

    So what do you think- we gota chance in hell at making the top 12?
  5. street rep

    street rep Well-Known Member

  6. Michael Evans

    Michael Evans a new project

    I for one don't care for pose "2"(her standing on the car), but I do like what I see.:grin:

    SS-TRUCK Stage 1 X

    Wild Bill you better hurry up and get your pictures in . The above pics are nice .
  8. gun-G

    gun-G Well-Known Member

  9. 70sLark

    70sLark Well-Known Member

    Was the before or after??? ;)

    Like most Im greedy, more pic can't hurt. Maybe spread eagle on the hood, bent over hood, thong, topless, you know, dirty old car guy stuff ;)
  10. Topcat

    Topcat Got TORQUE?

    Cullen......enough tease shots.....make 'em buy the calendar if they want to see more of your beautiful lady :Brow:

    Peace WildBill
  11. CJB72Skylark

    CJB72Skylark Moderator

    Exactly why I didn't post more. Tell them to put her in the calendar- and then buy the calendar if you really want to see her!
  12. Bill Smith

    Bill Smith Well-Known Member


    Did you take those pictures off of Market St??
    If you did I bet some people were wondering what was going on.
  13. CJB72Skylark

    CJB72Skylark Moderator

    I wasn't in Ft Wayne when I took the pictures. My car had been stored at my parents house in Montpelier- thats where we took the pictures at. And even in a town of a couple thousand people were wondering what was going on.
  14. 72 pet chicken

    72 pet chicken i dont wanna be a pirate!

    comments like these are probably why theres a shortage of shots for the buicks and bikinis calender. :rolleyes: if members here showed a little class and respect, i think more would be inclined to send in pictures of their wives, girlfriends, daughters and buicks...

    at any rate... nice picks cullen. are these the shots from the photographer you talked about in the past?
  15. CJB72Skylark

    CJB72Skylark Moderator

    Thank you for that. I really had to hold back from saying anything. I let the first comment slide, but that showed now class and is the exact reason people don't want post pictures of the important women in their life.

    I never met with the photographer- I was worried about an oil pressure problem with the car and was afraid to have it on the road for the hour plus driver to meet her. I took all of these shots, plus 70 something more by myself. We were going for classy, pin up style shots and I think we accomplished that very well.
  16. bob k. mando

    bob k. mando Guest

    comments like these are probably why theres a shortage of shots for the buicks and bikinis calender.

    yeah, it's one thing to trade ribald banter with a woman who has demonstrated that they enjoy it or welcome the attention.

    it's a bit forward for someone you've never met and don't know.
  17. SS-TRUCK

    SS-TRUCK Stage 1 X

    Cullen I admire your classy pics . If the other type do exist they are for you and your lady .
  18. 65gs76limited

    65gs76limited Well-Known Member

    Cullen,is this the same girlfriend from the pictures in May?Maybe she has her hair differant.
  19. CJB72Skylark

    CJB72Skylark Moderator

    Thank you for all the comments.

    Yes it is the same girl- she straightened her hair for the shoot and it's quite a bit longer than it was earlier this year.
  20. frednoah

    frednoah Well-Known Member

    Cool pics Cullen.

    Comments like the ones mentioned above are exactly the reason I would never ask my wife to do something like this.

    Well that and the fact that I'd have a fit:rant: if she was to stand on my car. And it's no where near as pretty as your car.

    My wife was laughing at me for commenting on the girl standing on the car :puzzled: , instead of talking about the girl herself.

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