Buick Factory Assembly Manuals

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by gsxnut, Oct 28, 2008.


Which Year Buick Assembly Manual would you purchase first?

  1. 1965

    28 vote(s)
  2. 1966

    20 vote(s)
  3. 1967

    32 vote(s)
  4. 1968

    20 vote(s)
  5. 1969

    22 vote(s)
  6. 1970

    90 vote(s)
  7. 1971

    49 vote(s)
  8. 1972

    41 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Magnum357

    Magnum357 Well-Known Member

    Wee count me in for a '68 and a '70 version:TU:
  2. elagache

    elagache Platinum Level Contributor

    Another 65 Pleeze! (Re: Buick Factory Assembly Manuals)

    Dear Mark,

    Just discovered this thread and so I'm tossing in my "vote" (actually my car's vote of course! :3gears:)

    Don't know if any of this is going anyway, but if so, another vote for 65! :TU:

    Cheers, Edouard :beer
  3. bhambulldog

    bhambulldog 1955 76-RoadmasterRiviera

    1955 for; me. :Brow: :laugh:
  4. gsxnut

    gsxnut Well-Known Member

    They do have 1955. I think you will need to make a visit to Sloan to get access to that one. These things are way cool.

    I do continue to work on this project. I have been in negotiation with the Sloan Museum for some time on the matter. I am also trying to restablish my connection with EMI now that GM has gone through bankruptcy. The immediate future is not so bright on this project. I will continue to work this to the best of my ability. If anyone has an orginal they would be will to use as a base or sell please let me know.

  5. bhambulldog

    bhambulldog 1955 76-RoadmasterRiviera

    oh wow! I was kidding. Now, I really do want one!! Maybe, I'll do just that. Go to Sloan.

    Keep up the good work.:TU:
  6. SteeveeDee

    SteeveeDee Orange Acres

    I voted for '68, since I already own one...and the manual, thank you very much. Money well spent. I wrecked the thing (guy cut me off and I get the fault) in '04 :ball: and have been slowly bringing it back. Body shop wanted $800 to straighten the frame, but, using the manual as a reference, I discovered the frame is still straight within 1/16th inch. Spent $60 to save $800. Works for me.
  7. robs71redriv

    robs71redriv robs71redriv

    <center> [​IMG]</center>
    1972 Full Line - Buick Assembly Instructions - sent in by Glenn Tangen 1971 GM Corp

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  8. 71skylarkfriend

    71skylarkfriend Well-Known Member

    Searched for assembly manual information and found this thread, Looks to be a few years old.

    Just wondering what is the best manual, I would like the most comprehensive or complete manual for a 1971 Skylark/GS/GSX, etc. but it sounds confusing about whats out there.

    any news since this post?

  9. gsxnut

    gsxnut Well-Known Member

    The most comprehensive versions are at the Sloan Museum and AACA library. I am not sure if they will provide a complete document to you or not. If they did it would get really pricey. I think they charge around 20 cents a sheet and there is something like 200-300 sheets.

    your next best bet it get a reproduction one for the full line or skylark. They are typically around $20-30 and can be found at several parts dealers and ebay. They are not complete but have a lot of good information. The reprint quality is also really poor.

    Hope that helps.

  10. 71skylarkfriend

    71skylarkfriend Well-Known Member

    Any update on weather these manuals ever where or are coming out I would have the 71 Skylark for sure.

    Just having that makes my car more interesting.

  11. gsxnut

    gsxnut Well-Known Member

    I have not been able to make any progress with Sloan. I will continue to work with them but it is not a priority for them at this time. There is also some concerns from Sloan about the reproduction process.


  12. 36racin

    36racin Platinum Level Contributor

    I'll take a 66 manual if they become available!!!

  13. gsxnut

    gsxnut Well-Known Member

    After several years of trying to work a deal with Sloan I have not been successful. I think the only way this will get done is to find alternative sources for the manuals. I bought a 1972 today and I am looking at what it will take to make good reproductions. If all goes well I will make the 1972 manual available and then I will be looking for originals of the other years to buy or put into production.

  14. Jaysimon

    Jaysimon Well-Known Member

    I got an original 70 gs manual will post pic once I get home
  15. gsxnut

    gsxnut Well-Known Member

    Do you have an original 70 Factory Assembly Manual or Service Manual? Most people have the Service Manual.


  16. Jaysimon

    Jaysimon Well-Known Member

    Its actually the owners manual. :Dou:


    Attached Files:

  17. Buickone

    Buickone Founders Club Member

    Was that the one on ebay that I didn't win? :ball:
  18. gsxnut

    gsxnut Well-Known Member

    That was the one I bought. I was suprised only you and I bid on it. Just think you will be getting it for a fraction of the price if I can actually put it into production.

    I also bought the big car version too. It is very rare to see these become available.

  19. Buickone

    Buickone Founders Club Member

    I was suprised too, and I'm glad you got it. At least this way maybe I can still get a first run copy that's better than what's out there. Sorry for helping to run up the price so far! That's a great find. I saw the big car stuff too, I just wanted the Skylark/GS one.
  20. robs71redriv

    robs71redriv robs71redriv

    Mark compare the 72 you just got (is it just A body version) to the one in the library - which is full line - i have just the riviera pages in the works - and of course I can clean up/collate anything that's out there that is submitted for the libraries - seems to be lots of poorly scanned partial and Cd ones floating around ebay etc. 1972 Full Line - Buick Assembly Ins sent Glenn Tangen - 1971 GM Corp

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