Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 69GS400s, Aug 3, 2004.


Are you interested in a BPG VIDEO ??

  1. DEFINATELY interested, DVD is FINE

    138 vote(s)
  2. DEFINATELY interested, but ONLY on VHS tape

    10 vote(s)
  3. Mildly interested, DVD OK

    14 vote(s)
  4. Mildly interested, VHS ONLY

    4 vote(s)
  5. Not interested, Dont own a TV, Whats a DVD anywho ??

    6 vote(s)
  1. 69GS400s

    69GS400s ...my own amusement ride!

    Hello all - I've taken on the task of Video taping AND producing / distributing the Video for our Grande Event !! Im very excited about this and hope I can meet everyone's expectations.

    In addition to the Video, I will also be shooting a TON of Digital Still photo's - both to use in the video and also for our viewing pleasure. Photo's WILL be used for a BPG Calendar which will be done later in the year !! :bglasses: Stills may also be available as a set on CD-rom, Prints of varying sizes (5x7 up to POSTER sized!!!) and I am also working on having transfers made so Images can be put onto T-Shirts, Jackets....whatever (no dirty undies though)

    Video will be shot using a Broadcast Quality Sony Mini-Digital Video Camera (Mini-DV format) and stills will be shot using a Minolta Dimage 7hi with 5 MegaPixel resolution. Results SHOULD be outstanding.....

    This WILL keep me very busy during the event, but since Im only going to make a few time shots in Big Red, and I have the equipment to pull this off, I wanted to "Give Something Back" to this great CLUB and the people who have made it possible.

    Help ?? OF COURSE I CAN USE HELP !!!

    I want to "Showcase" as many people AND their cars as possible. This means I'll be in the Pits doing interviews, In the staging lanes before the races, and set up ready to grab all the HOT trips down the 1320'. Expect me to come up and talk with you.....ALL OF YOU !! This is as much about the little guys as the heavy hitters, so be prepared to have the BPG SpotLight aimed at you !!

    I will also Video tape the Car show on Saturday.....so SHINE EM UP !! Also, be ready to give your name, car, and anything special you'd like to say.....No "HI Mom !!!"s please....

    Lets not forget the great after-hours fun too......Cruisin' the parking lots, Thursday nites Cruise, Engine Rebuilds in hotel rooms .....maybe even mixing it up with the Locals at 2am ??? IM GAME and there's ALWAYS tape in my camera.

    Sooo....basically if you see me coming - dont run and hide :laugh:

    If you have a Digital Video Camera (Mini-DV) or Digital Still Camera and want to help out.....PLEASE LET ME KNOW. WHile Digital is best, Anyone shooting Video or Stills are MORE THAN WELCOME to add their work to the project - the More the better !!!

    Now.....for the big Questions


    :Do No: :Do No:

    Let me first say - The BPG will receive a SUBSTANTIAL portion of any profit made. I want our CLUB to succeed and this is my way of helping and giving back......

    Second, There will be a discounted price for BPG Members - all the more reason to join !!!

    Third, I would like to make this available on DVD only. Its much easier to duplicate and distribute.

    I should think price will fall between the $20 - $40 mark depending on how many DVD's it takes to hold all the footage on

    And Fourth - I cant "Guestimate" how long it will take but I HOPE to have something available in about a month's time.

    Suggestions ?? Idea's ?? Please feel free to respond here or privately
  2. Tufbuick

    Tufbuick Guest

    How about, I'll race "BIG RED" so you don't get distracted from your "PHOTOGRAPHIC RESPONSIBILITIES".

    Lets see, 5grand leave, stand that BADBOY on the back Bumper, watch out DOUG, MIKE T. & RICK I be drivin' Alans car!!!!!!!!


    :moonu: MOON' :moonu:
  3. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    Jeez, and I wanted first dibs on flogging the snot outta Big Red...
  4. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    As I told you earlier Alan, I'll be burning as many rolls of film as I can, and either scanning the pics or have them developed and put on disk. The pics are free to the BPG.

    I gladly volunteer as stand-in videographer during your races (unless, of course, you're staging across from me...).

    Oh, and I'll attempt to make a jackass out of myself as often as I can so you'll have something to poke fun at on the video.
  5. 69GS400s

    69GS400s ...my own amusement ride!

    Thanks Yards....any and all help is greatly appreciated


    Well.....with you Bunking one BED over from me, I should have an ENDLESS SUPPLY of shots to keep Dana & Beth and all the rest of the "Yardley Morphing" crew happy for at least a year to come :moonu:
  6. 71GSX455-4SPD

    71GSX455-4SPD Nick Serwo Magic Car


    I plan on shooting a bunch of Mini-DV there. Since I won't have a car with me :)ball: ) I won't be distracted by any of that racing and car show stuff. :rolleyes:

    I'll also be shooting stills, but I only have a 1.3 Megapixel camera, so quality won't be as good as yours.
  7. Smartin

    Smartin Guest

    I'll be there with a sweet digital still camera...will take a bunch of hi rez stuff too. I'll take a copy of whatever you make!
  8. Mike Atwood

    Mike Atwood The Green Machine

    If the weather looks good, I'll roll in Friday morning. I am bringing a Sony 8mm cam, and a 4mp digital with a bunch of lenses...and also my helper with a 2mp digital.

  9. Bruce Hunter

    Bruce Hunter Well-Known Member

    Cool Mike, Glad your gonna make the event! please look me up and say hi, I look forward to meeting you. thanks for offering to do some digital work as well, folks like you, make a CLUB like this Possible, and successful!

  10. Eric Schmelzer

    Eric Schmelzer Well-Known Member

    I'll take a DVD

    I'll definatly want one. Sence we can't make it this year I want one so that I can see all the action.:TU: :TU:
  11. 69GS400s

    69GS400s ...my own amusement ride!

    Hey !! We made it to Sticky-Land :TU: :bglasses:

    Ken - Thats FANTASTIC news......I can Definately use the help and the DV Cam is a BIG BONUS !! :beer :beer

    We'll coordinate there.....when do you arrive ??

    Mike and Adam - :TU: If you're offering the photo's , bring whatever cables you need so I can download them to my Laptop. I can also burn you CD's of my stills on the fly

    As for Ron and Yardley ?? The ONLY WAY[/i] either of you is getting the keys to BigRed for a trip down the 1320' is if you have a Celebrity Death Match to determine who gets the honor :laugh: :Dou:
  12. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    Now that you mention it, who wants to ride in a car without AC, anyway?

    Or a bitchin' stereo.


  13. Tufbuick

    Tufbuick Guest

    YEAH YARDS, come to think of it, I really don't like to drive anything that's "SLOWER" than what I own !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: ( I to must PAAAAAAAAASSSSS )
  14. Mike Atwood

    Mike Atwood The Green Machine

    I am up for some CD-burnin' and swappin' action! :Brow:
    I'll probably bring the laptop with me so I can read and write SD/MMC cards, CF cards and burn anything to CD. I was thinking about bringing the tent and staying at the track Friday night, maybe Saturday night too. I don't know how much video I will get, but I will get lots of pics!

    Mike :3gears:
  15. 71GSX455-4SPD

    71GSX455-4SPD Nick Serwo Magic Car

    Alan, should be arriving late Wednesday afternoon. See you there! :TU:
  16. Roberta

    Roberta Buick Berta

    I'll be there sometime Thursday afternoon prolly with a volunteer to help tape in tow!
  17. gsjohnny

    gsjohnny Well-Known Member

    WHAT'S A DVD ????
  18. Roberta

    Roberta Buick Berta

    John, do you know what a VCR is yet? How about a confuser(I mean Computer?) Got that from JR Wills! See you soon!
  19. Gr8ScatFan

    Gr8ScatFan ^That Car Is Sick^

    I need some kind of video to make up for the days that I miss. I wish the GSCA still did this because it is a good way to remember the event, especially this one because it is the first of I'm sure many more good years to come. No matter what I will buy one of these, and support the club.
  20. bgs455

    bgs455 OIF OEF HOA ONE

    I would like to get one of these packages.:3gears:

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