Beware of Billions and Trillions

Discussion in 'Chassis restoration' started by ddhathaway, Apr 10, 2012.

  1. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    Looks like he could change a nine dollar bill in threes.
  2. lookin4a67gs

    lookin4a67gs For Your Viewing Pleasure

    I googled "Bikerfox" and spent a half hour observing. WOW! This guy is whacked! I think the world would appreciate it if this guy would crawl back under the rock he came out from. I also wish I had that half hour of my life back.
  3. dl7265

    dl7265 No car then Mopar

    You won't make that mistake twice ....

  4. photobugz

    photobugz 1965 Skylark


    1/2 hour?..... that's . . . kind . . . of . . . a . . . long . . . time . . . . . . . . .

  5. lookin4a67gs

    lookin4a67gs For Your Viewing Pleasure

    It's not what it seems.........not that there's anything wrong with that!:grin: There is endless BS on Bikerfox, a Wikipedia profile, his own website, stories about his exercise program, diet, and weight loss, newspaper articles about him fighting with the Tulsa police, etc. Quite a colorful character............

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