Anyone else looking forward to the new Star Wars Movie?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by tstclr, Apr 28, 2005.

  1. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    It seems Episode 1 was more about special effects than anything of substance. The characters were not developed, and many things seemed disjointed - sort of like Highlander End Game. If you didn't know the story, the movie was just a big waste of time.

    The original three Star Wars movies can each stand on their own.
  2. john campbell

    john campbell MASSHOLE

    i was just over at and they have a real cool John Williams video its called a hero falls. i wish i knew how to link it. its filled with clips from episode 3 and i actually got goose bumps towards the end. i really look forward to the movie after seeing it. star wars fans will want to see it.
  3. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    I'll probably see it in the theater a month after it opens (just like episode 1+2).
  4. bob k. mando

    bob k. mando Guest

  5. wildcat4

    wildcat4 Well-Known Member

    Here I thought I was the only Star Wars geek until I met my wife. We have gone to Episode 1 and 2 on opening day and will be there for this one since I can't go to the Nationals :mad: Oh well at least we get to see the movie just like the last two. I think 1 and 2 would have been alot better if they would have had the characters get a little scared like Han and Luke did. Jar Jar was the only one freaking out at all.
    My family all went as star wars characters a couple years ago.
    Shannon was Queen Amidalla she was 8
    Russell was Yoda He was 2
    Trish was the Queens hand maiden
    I was Obi One.

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  6. Go Buick Go

    Go Buick Go Woot!

    I'm semi-enthused about this new one. One and two were alright...I'd give Lucas slack just cos he had a lot to explain to build up to 3, or so that's how I see it. This new one has some big shoes to fill imo, because the first two weren't too great taken on their own, and the original (4,5,6) were all really pretty good movies in their own right, and awesome when taken as a trilogy.

    I'm actually going to be in PLDC (army stuff) when it comes out which sucks, cos I doubt they'll let us go see it, but I'm going to see the first show that I can when I get back.

  7. I'm looking forward to it but I'm worried that there's so much that will have to happen in episode 3 for me to be satisfied that the movie is going to be 3 hours long, or there's going to be an episode 3.5 or something. I've even heard rumors of a tv series that takes place between 3 and 4 to fill in the gaps. I think I'd just find that annoying.

    I really hope that ep 3 is just nothing but action because the characters are introduced so the battles should start right away! I want to see lots of lightsabre fights and big battles, I won't settle for less!!!
  8. tstclr

    tstclr Well-Known Member

    I could be wrong, but if you watch the "behind the scenes" video about C3P0 on , it looks like Ep 3 ends at the same spot EP 4 began! Remember at the beginning of EP 4 where the stormtroopers invade the rebel ship? Remember the corrodor that R2D2 and C3P0 are walking along trying to dodge the laser fire? Looks the same. Actually they show a scene where George Lucas says to Anthony Daniels on that set something like "Well, we're back to where we started".. That would be cool, however they would have to jump another 20 years or so into the future to reach that point..
  9. Go Buick Go

    Go Buick Go Woot!

    I don't know about you guys, but I'm kinda doing all I can to avoid exposure to the episode 3 stuff. That way, when I see it, it'll be all new and cool. No expectations to be let down, nothing! So I can't be dissapointed, or so I hope. I do know the basics of the story, but I'm trying not to learn more. I've been a Star Wars freak for a long time, and it would be like being told the story of a book that you were just about to read, you know?

    If it really ends where ep4 begins, they'd have a hell of a lot of time to fill in one movie...maybe a 4 hour extended edition is in the works? Who knows...

    I kinda wish there'd be a 7 8 9 too, as I heard was origninally planned by Lucas, but oh well. Maybe his greed will cause him to change his mind...
  10. yuk

    yuk Well-Known Member

    i was in 1980 ... but tired of waiting ... i moved on. :laugh:
  11. 67buickva

    67buickva Evil Kitty

    Does anyone remember when all the Star Wars toys from Kenner went on CLEARENCE in the mid 80s?
  12. StreetStrip

    StreetStrip Well-Known Member

    I can't wait for Christmas when I will get it on DVD and see it for the first time.
    I look forward to the birth of Vader. Really excited when I head G Lucas has one more trick up his sleeve.
    They are going to take all the movies and re-do them into a new hi tech 3D version.
    I assume first for the amusement park and Imax theaters and then a home DVD version. Probably $300 for the whole set in 3D.
  13. Jim B.

    Jim B. Well-Known Member

    I have to plan my day just right for the new starwars.I first will watch the first two then go to the movies to see #3 then go home and watch the last three.I'll be up for two days.

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