.39 Cents for a gallon of gas ?? I Cant Wait !!!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 69GS400s, May 12, 2004.

  1. Ergot

    Ergot Fast with cash.

    If there was only a way to take Magnetic Levitation train technology and stick it in a car.
  2. tjcole

    tjcole 60's Buick nut

    Re: Re: Hydrogen and oxygen only produce water

    Your absolutely right Darryl, there are still the Oxides of Nitrogen to be considered. :Comp: I did in fact think about putting something in about those but I figured my post was long and drawn out enough already and didn't want to ramble on tooo long :grin:
    Didn't want to put people to sleep. But since you've asked... :Comp: hehe

    The atmosphere is mostly Nitrogen at 78%. The current gasoline engines and power plants pass most of this gas through harmlessly :moonu: :laugh: but they still create oxides of nitrogen to some extent, and the higher the compression and temperature, the more of these nasty little buggers that are produced. The Hydrogen engine will produce these too but at pretty much the same levels. So there won't be an increase of these pollutants. But the main thing is that there won't be any CO or CO2 emissions which are the ones that have the publics ire at the moment. :Brow:

    Now I'll explain the three variations of Oxides of Nitrogen for our less astute Buick fanatics, they are as follows:

    NO2: nitrogen dioxide (One Nitrogen atom and two Oxygen atoms)
    NO: nitric oxide, nitrogen monoxide; mononitrogen monoxide (One Nitrogen atom and one Oxygen atom)
    N2O: nitrous oxide, dinitrogen monoxide; laughing gas; hyponitrous acid anhydride (Two Nitrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom)

    Their Physical and chemical properties are as follows:

    NO2 is a dark brown, fuming liquid or gas with a pungent, acrid odor detectable at 0.12 ppm. It's a highly reactive gas that is formed in the ambient air through the oxidation of nitric oxide (NO). (oxidation means the adding of one or more Oxygen atoms)

    NO is a colorless gas with a sharp, sweet odor, brown at high concentrations in air. (Main ingredient in Smog)

    N2O is a colorless gas with a slight, sweetish odor. This is also known as laughing gas.

    Now in reference to your *hinting* :Brow:
    There is a catalytic converter that is being used on new cars called "The Reduction Catalyst"

    The reduction catalyst is the first stage of the catalytic converter. It uses platinum and rhodium to help reduce the NOx emissions. When an NO or NO2 molecule contacts the catalyst, the catalyst rips the nitrogen atom out of the molecule and holds on to it, (kind of like a home-wrecker, She entices Mr. Nitrogen away from Mrs. Oxygen ) freeing Mrs. oxygen in the form of O2 (or TWO Oxygen atoms stuck together). The nitrogen atoms bond with other nitrogen atoms that are also stuck to the catalyst, forming N2 and both are harmlessly passed out the tail pipe.
    This process can be compared somewhat loosely to the old school dances we went too in our younger days, where all the boys went to one side of the gym and all the girls to the other side. In this case the catalyst was the crusty old teachers playing some crusty old music. :grin: .

    I hope I didn't bore anyone too much
    And now its :beer :beer Time!!

  3. Darryl Roederer

    Darryl Roederer Life is good

    Re: Re: Re: Hydrogen and oxygen only produce water

    Funny, that's almost the exact same % of dark matter present to explain the total gravitational mass of the "expanding universe" :eek2:

    I knew there was something I liked about you... What's your major?
  4. StageTwo

    StageTwo It's a Beauty Too.

    Re: Re: Re: Hydrogen and oxygen only produce water

    It's not near as hard to read as the Internal Revenue Code. :Dou:
  5. tjcole

    tjcole 60's Buick nut

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Hydrogen and oxygen only produce water

    Computer Network Administrator for the US Navy's Trident Submarine Base Bangor in Washington State.
    Also do their phone, radios and a bunch of other stuff I can't tell you, otherwise I'd have to :blast: :spank: :blast: you :laugh:

    I used to do some programming mostly C++ but I discovered that wasn't for me. I love LAN much better!

    So what do you do?

  6. Darryl Roederer

    Darryl Roederer Life is good

    I drive a truck.... Seriously:laugh:

    I own a trucking company, and deliver furniture for one of the largest retailers in america.

    While it really is "beneath me" to do REALLY HARD physical labor, I love it.

    I had a nasty accident about 10 years ago, spent a couple years in a wheel-chair, and as a result, BALLOONED up to close to 500 lbs.

    Now, I'm down to 260, and still dropping,,, feel great for the first time in a decade.

    Your "career" is much more interesting,,, I'd love to get a few beers in you, and have a serious discussion about "things" that would blow the average guys mind. :eek2:

    Not that I'd want to get you in any trouble, but I'll bet you could REALLY tell some stories.

    My Dad was in the army back in the 60's-70's, and he had one of "those jobs" where he got on an airplane on the 1st of every month, and returned home on the 10th, and could NEVER talk about where he had been, or what he had done.

    He still wont talk about it,,, not just because he cant, but because he says it still scares the hell out of him.

    At any rate, were REALLLLY off topic here, let's get back to "alternate energy sources" to power our cars.

    BTW, sorry it took me a couple days to get back to you... MEGGA busy in the "furniture delivery business".
  7. tjcole

    tjcole 60's Buick nut

    I have some good stories from my last "career" which was firefighting for about 15 years. They don't sound as good telling them as when I was actually doing it. Stuff like running hell bent out of a collapsing building, holding body parts together and taking advantage of the uniform to have 3 or more girlfriends at once. Stuff like that :grin:

    Congratulations on the weight loss! that's a big deal! keep it up. :TU:

  8. NickDFX

    NickDFX Well-Known Member


    Make cars that run on cigarettes.

    Think about it.

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