“Show only” parts

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by docgsx, Sep 23, 2022.


What is the purpose of putting “show only” parts on any vehicle? Restamped part specifically

  1. They are meant to deceive the unknowledgeable/unsuspecting buyer

  2. They are only used at shows and removed when not showing the vehicle.

  3. Who gives a crap?

  1. richopp

    richopp Well-Known Member

    Not to mention original air in the tires, right?

    bhambulldog and DaWildcat like this.
  2. #7

    #7 Well-Known Member

    I do keep my car in what i call two configurations. One is for local cruises and shows , and the other is for when I’m going to be judged. When I’m going to be judged i put back on the T3 headlights, my nos front spoiler, (usually run around with the one made by Duane, a much better heavier spoiler) a real tach wire clip, the original FC oil filler cap, and the original baffle clips. I also have a cover on the steering wheel in order not to wear the graining off. But in my mind i do this in order to preserve these items and have fun with my car anytime i want. I’m not trying to fool anyone, just keeping my own sanity and not have to possibly find and replace expensive items. Just my 2 (or no sense) cents.
    DaWildcat and sean Buick 76 like this.
  3. sean Buick 76

    sean Buick 76 Buick Nut

    That’s totally understandable, glad you enjoy driving the car!

    It’s the guys with restamped parts abs things like that that seem to get people excited.
    #7 likes this.
  4. TexasT

    TexasT Texas, where are you from

    I guess I just cant even fathom the time and wasted(to me) energy, not to mention the money(two kinds of money probs, too much and too little) it takes to compete in a corvette type car owner event.

    For me it is a car show. not a contest.

    I want to see and enjoy seeing the vehicles. If your stuff is original, good for you. But to have to pay someone to tell me mine is good, original, better, best or whatever doesn't hold water for me. I don't put my blood, sweat and tears in for anyone else. I do it for my gratification.

    Car events are about the people. Just like horse events and any other type of gathering. If the people aren't any fun, the others won't come out. People won't remember the cost, but they will remember how they were made to feel. And no one comes back when they aren't welcomed in.
    bhambulldog and steve covington like this.

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