WTB: Better "driver quality" 1965 Special/Skylark hood ornament.

Discussion in 'Parts wanted' started by elagache, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. elagache

    elagache Platinum Level Contributor

    Dear fans of mid-60s V-8 Buicks,

    Yup, I'm looking at one of those "Mission Impossibles", but it never hurts to ask.

    I started to try to clean my the hood ornament of my trusty 1965 Buick Special wagon in the hopes I could hand paint the red, white, and blue back on the Tri-Shield logo. Alas the cleaning actually made it look worse. Almost 270,000 miles on the road seems to have really sand-blasted the front as you can see in this pic:


    The back is a better as it wasn't in "the line of fire:"


    These things are very hard to find and thus expensive. Would anyone have a hood ornament is significantly better shape than this one that they would be willing to part with for something less than a king's ransom?

    Thanks in advance for any leads,

    Cheers, Edouard :beer
  2. SpecialWagon65

    SpecialWagon65 Ted Nagel

    Ahh, you are spoiled - yours is in great shape compared to the junk we find round east/north. No pits, shiny chrome...I'll take it!

    Mine has no such ornament as it is the base Special...the 65 Skylark I'm trying to work on has a nub as the ornament was broken off and I just re-shaped the top to be a little more " aerodynamic" :shock:
  3. kenm455

    kenm455 Gold Level Contributor

  4. 1989GTA

    1989GTA Silver Level contributor

    If you don't buy Kens you can always have yours rechromed. I did that and had it painted. Turned out nice. Cost me a whole $75.
  5. Albo

    Albo Active Member

    Seems like with these, one must make the most of what ya got.
    i will be trying to weld or braise a tiny piece of threaded rod to this baby.

    Attached Files:

  6. elagache

    elagache Platinum Level Contributor

    Thanks for the feedback. (Re: WTB: 1965 Special/Skylark hood ornament.)

    Dear Ted, Ken, 1989GTA, Albo, and 1965 Buick fans,

    Thanks for the feedback on my parts search.

    [​IMG] So Ted, I'm greedy!! :laugh:

    However, you are right. California isn't simply nicer weather for people - it is also for automobiles.

    I sent you a PM. Honestly, you seem to pricing it a bit on the high end judging from the photos you put up. However, if you can coax some better pictures out of your camera, maybe I could be convinced.

    This sounds like an interesting option. Did you have to send it to a specialty chroming outfit specializing in small stuff like this? My wagon's ornament seems otherwise intact, so a new layer of chrome ought to make it look reasonably close to original.

    Is it true that these were only used in 1965? In 1964, the Tri-Shield was in the grill and by 1966 the hood ornament seems to have been downsized.

    Thanks again, I'll keep toiling to bring my trusty wagon back to life!

    Cheers, Edouard :beer

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