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What front cover is this?

Discussion in 'Small Block Tech' started by WV-MADMAN, Oct 7, 2024.


    WV-MADMAN Well-Known Member

    I got this cover with my 215 and after looking it over Im not sure what its off of. Rover maybe?
    And if its a Rover front cover will it work on a 60s Buick engine?

    IMG_0842.jpg IMG_0841.jpg
  2. Jim Blackwood

    Jim Blackwood Well-Known Member

    Could it be a marine cover? Don't know why it wouldn't work but how about the timing marks? That's usually where you run into issues.

  3. Jim Nichols

    Jim Nichols Well-Known Member

    Marine cover is cast iron. Probably Rover.
  4. knucklebusted

    knucklebusted Well-Known Member

    Is the fuel pump blocked off and upside down?
    Max Damage likes this.
  5. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Looks like it!

    WV-MADMAN Well-Known Member

    cast for it but not cut out, my first clue that it wasnt the original.

    WV-MADMAN Well-Known Member

    No timing marks. but it does have the hole for the distributor. It looks like a very well made piece casting and machining wise.
  8. gsjohnny1

    gsjohnny1 Well-Known Member

    only half a picture.? never seen a 215 in h2o. wouldn't be used in salt h2o. omc used only the v6's and depended on salt vs fresh h2o. cast iron for salt and it would be tough to use it on a street car. no bypass.
    did you find a cam?
  9. Jim Blackwood

    Jim Blackwood Well-Known Member

    Might be from a stationary engine then.

    WV-MADMAN Well-Known Member

    I can get some better pictures, I just snapped a couple that seemed most explanatory.
    The cast in accessory bracket on the lower left side and the cast in but unopened fuelpump location were the biggest differences from any I had seen.
    Fuel injected with a normal distributor?
  11. Jim Nichols

    Jim Nichols Well-Known Member

    Rover front cover: Probably one before the interim timing cover which had the crank driven oil pump.

    Mark Demko likes this.

    WV-MADMAN Well-Known Member

    I believe you're right. the seal is different but the lower left mounting location is spot on.
    I hope I can use it because its really nice.
  13. Dan Jones

    Dan Jones Well-Known Member

    > Rover maybe?

    Yes it's a Rover SD1 front cover. Flip it around and there should be a boss the oil pump shaft goes through that is not there on Buick front covers.

    > if its a Rover front cover will it work on a 60s Buick engine?

    Not without changing a bunch of stuff. While the pre-SD1 front cover shared the Buick 215 oil pump depth, the SD1 cover does not and the SD1 oil pump gears won't mate with your distributor drive (one's an "innie" and the the other is an "outie"). I'll check tomorrow but I believe the water pump bolt patterns are different and the matching pumps are different lengths. Also, the matching accessory brackets and pulleys are different. Also, the crank seals are different and go in opposite ends. If you're interested in a swap, I think I have a Rover 3.5L with a good Buick 215 (might be a Buick 300) front cover.
  14. Dan Jones

    Dan Jones Well-Known Member

    Going down the Buick/Rover timing cover rabbit hole. Each one of the timing covers in the picture is different from the others. Three different oil pump gear depths, five different water pumps depths, two different distributor drives, various oil pump covers, etc. More info to follow but suffice it to say, if you're swapping timing covers, you want to swap out all of the related parts (water pump, distributor, oil pump, accessory brackets, pulleys, etc.)

    The cam kit at the back is a vintage Isky with pink valve springs and aluminum retainers. Buick_Rover_timing_cover_rabbit_hole.JPG
    patwhac and gscalifornia like this.
  15. gsjohnny1

    gsjohnny1 Well-Known Member

    you have way more than i do. lol. i have 7 different usa oil pump covers and 2 british 215's. but i have 3 omc cast iron t/c's used for racing. they don't stretch like the alum's. gotta keep things simple.....:confused:
    gscalifornia likes this.

    WV-MADMAN Well-Known Member

    Heres some more pictures

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