Vintage Buick Racecars

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Chris Lott, Oct 29, 2002.

  1. Chris Lott

    Chris Lott 4 speed finally

    I received an email from my uncle the other day with this picture attached to it. Someone he knew sent it to him, and he passed it along to me. It looks like an old magazine picture scan, but I can't be sure. I asked him if he had any more information on it than the picture and he didn't. So, if it is a photograph I don't know who to give credit to.

    Anyway, it looks like a very interesting car. Anyone out there have any history on this car, or any other GSs that ran like this back in the early 70's? Enjoy.

    Attached Files:

  2. JET455

    JET455 I'm a work in progress!

    That's a cool pic Chris!:TU:

    You don't see that many old pics of sponsored Buicks.

  3. The Old Guy

    The Old Guy Joe Taubitz

    I think it is the original Kennebell car! Pops Kennedy drove for Reynolds Buick , and Jim Belle worked with Buick to develop the Stage 1 pieces. :Brow:
  4. Thumper (aka greatscat)

    Thumper (aka greatscat) Well-Known Member

    Kennedy bell car

    Good catch Joe,I saw that car in 1972 in atrip to calif,it ran several tenths under the E/SA index back then

    This is how the Kennedy-Bell company got started.Later Kennebell ,after the pops death.

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