Vin plate missing in dash

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by dg91xj, Oct 11, 2003.

  1. dg91xj

    dg91xj Big Bad Bold Buick

    No VIN Tag on Dash?

    I was registered to include my 69 Skylark in the Kruse Intl auction at Hershey fairgrounds this week. After a staff member noticed that my vin plate is not in the dash, they booted me from the auction due to a policy requiring the vin plate to be present.

    I have two questions for you. 1) where else would the vin be stamped? 2) can anyone recommend a resource who would stamp a vin plate that I can stick in there?

    The car was restored a few years back and had been in 1,000's of pieces so I think finding the original vin tag is not even possible.

    Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks. David.


    Attached Files:

  2. Rusty Davenport

    Rusty Davenport Silver Level contributor

    Should be on your title!
  3. dg91xj

    dg91xj Big Bad Bold Buick


    Thanks for the response but that doesn't really work for me.

    NY doesn't have titles for cars of this year. We have a registration receipt and a sticker which goes on the inside of the winshield. Both of these items have the VIN. Knowing the VIN, isn't the issue. I would like to know where else it may be located on the vehicle or how to get a vin plate made (i know the VIN), so I could stick it in the place where it should have been. Right now, there is not a vin on the vehicle to confirm the # that is on the DMV documentation.

    I wouldn't even care about this except for the fact that the auction house removed my vehicle from the event, and is withholding my $400 entry fee.

    Attached Files:

  4. Smartin

    Smartin Guest

  5. dg91xj

    dg91xj Big Bad Bold Buick


    Thank you so much Adam. This will keep me busy and should resolve it.
  6. Dan Healey

    Dan Healey Well-Known Member

    VIN locations

    GM stamped the vin on the block, the trans, the frame & fire wall.

    The 350 block may have it on the front, left face just below the head surface.

    The trans is on the drivers side, about middle of the trans and located just above were the pan bolts.

    Frame is on the top, drivers side just before the rear wheel (very hard one to find). Same goes with the fire wall.

    My question, WHY was it ever removed???:Dou: :Dou: :Dou:

    I believe it is agaist the law to manufacture or replace the dash vin. I do believe it is allowed to remove, repair and then replace.:gt:
  7. dg91xj

    dg91xj Big Bad Bold Buick


    Thanks Dan. The previous owner who restored it must have misplaced it. He did a great job with the car and just misplaced or forgot to put it back in the dash I suppose. I never even looked for the VIN on the dash when I bought the car because it is not as though I was buying a GS and had any research that was critical. I thought the auction house would feel the same way, after all it is a Skylark Custom. But, I think their main concern was to avoid selling a stolen car perhaps.

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