UNwarping tools from Barker Gang Garage

Discussion in 'The Venerable Q-Jet' started by garth stuart, Feb 6, 2007.

  1. garth stuart

    garth stuart Well-Known Member

    Has any body ever used the Unwarping tool for the q-jet from Barker Gang Garage. If you have used it then has it worked for you and once you get the carb bolted into the jigs then what do you do with the carb assembly. Do you put it in the oven to heat etc. The website does not really say how you are supposed to use it or does any one have any other methods to unwarp the q-jet if they find theirs warped. Please let me know as mine is warped and I am not sure what to do with the carb. Thank you.
  2. copperheadgs1

    copperheadgs1 copperheadgs1

    I would guess that tool is expensive. Maybe you could find someone who has one and they could fix for you. Cheaper I will bet. I have always just used two upper gaskets to take up minor warpage. Stops the leaks for me.
  3. Nicholas Sloop

    Nicholas Sloop '08 GS Nats BSA runner up

    Several months ago someone posted that they owned the tool, and I asked if they would be willing to do carbs for folks for a reasonable fee. Whoever it was (can't remember) never responded.

    SS-TRUCK Stage 1 X

    Anyone know where I can buy one ? If within reason on price Imay get one and offer the carb service for members of the board .
  5. Gary Bohannon

    Gary Bohannon Well-Known Member

    I bought one from www.barkerganggarage.com
    They no longer post the price but a phone number is listed.
    Can't remember what I paid ($150-200 ?)
    A little chapstik on the bowl gasket keeps the carb clean as new.

    I had thought about doing some unwarping for some of you but decided it would be best to let someone do it that has time and tools to include bushing installation, rear metering rod cams, inlet thread repair, epoxy fuel plugs, etc.
    Shame to pay postage and handeling just for one thing.

    You guys need to pressure Gessler, John Osborn, and other carb builders to do this. It is a great tool and really worth doing.
    Gary B.
  6. pete w

    pete w Active Member

    bought a buick carb a while back on ebay. someone had tried to take the air horn off with out removing the hidden screws. the airhorn was broken. so i dug into my pile and found a chevy airhorn that matched just needed air bleeds. but someone had really torqued it down by the front bolts. this was my fix cut a small piece of wood that fit between the rails where the external vent would have been, clamped the airhorn to a heavy piece of angle iron with a large C clamp in the center. put a couple thin pieces of sheet metal under the front bolt holes. went from about 1/16"high in the middle to flat. now i need to get the primary throttle shaft bushed and i should have a good carb
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2007
    Max Damage likes this.

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