Tough tough times here

Discussion in 'Help From Above' started by 65prostreet, Oct 19, 2004.

  1. 65prostreet

    65prostreet Donations Welcome!!

    I just want to ask you guys to send Jesus my way. I thirst for divine intervention. My 120 #black lab almost died last week. He was bleeding though his skin and mouth(like a stigmata). Doc still cant figure it out. I am in need of goddly rule and can no longer hold myself up. I need Jesus to take over and not use my own will.
  2. buick jones

    buick jones Active Member

    Consider it done.
  3. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    Perhaps Coumadin poisoning? In humans it is used in controlled doses as a blood thinner. In larger doses it is a major ingedient in rat poisoning. It acts by inducing uncontrolled bleeding.

    Could also be a liver abnomality.
  4. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member

    Household chemicals (if mixed) will produce a vapor that will make your soft skin bleed. (eye sockets, nose, mouth, etc)

    Hope your pup gets better's tough to see anyone/thing in that position.

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