The Wheelz on the bus go round n round.

Discussion in 'Buyer/Seller Feedback' started by sodak65, Feb 20, 2015.

  1. sodak65

    sodak65 Well-Known Member

    I'm sure glad there are still good honest people in the world and I've met several on this forum. Many weeks ago I decided to convert my car to an console shift auto and sell my 3 speed consolette ( I know dont hate me, I had my reasons). Wheelz stepped up with an offer to trade a refurbished auto console AND included a freshly rechromed Tach cup in addition! It was an offer I couldnt refuse since my consolette was complete but needing a rechrome and restoration. So off my went consolette to FL and out went his console at the same time, straight trade (risky?). Well despite his best packing efforts and fantastic work refurbishing the console FedEx managed to destroy the plastic base in shipping and clearly mishandled the box. After filing claims and trying to collect on the insurance he had on the package with no success, He sent me a replacement console even nicer than the first. I learned several things from this whole experiance. One thing I leanred is shipping companies like any other insurance outfit do anything in there power to not settle a claim just ask Wheelz. Another is that Wheelz is a great seller, we talked alot throught the process and even though I offered to pay for half the replacement console base and shipping he did not accept. So A+ to him and buyers/sellers beware of insuring your packages, its best to have the shipper (FedEx or Uhaul whoever) pack the goods for you and don't insure for more than the actuall sale value because you will be asked to prove it with documentation to have any hope of collecting.
  2. sriley531

    sriley531 Excommunicado

    X2! I needed a piece of under dash duct and Wheelz hooked me up with a nice piece and it arrived VERY well packaged. Not my first dealing with him, probably wont be my last!!
  3. Smokey15

    Smokey15 So old that I use AARP bolts.

    What good is insurance when they deny claims? I would not let this drop. I'd go up their company food chain until I got the head shark. Kudos to Wheelz for going above and beyond, taking the hit and being such a great guy.
  4. cstanley-gs

    cstanley-gs Silver Mist

    Wheelz has helped a lot around here including me. Thank you sir!
  5. sriley531

    sriley531 Excommunicado

    I've heard from multiple people that if you pack it instead of them, they use that as a loophole to not cover claims by saying the item was packed incorrectly. Honorable companies are few and far between anymore, they'll screw over anyone they can to make a buck.... :mad:
  6. wheelz

    wheelz 'B' is for Buick.

    well... heres a twist. FEDEX local office rule, "ANY PARCEL INSURRED FOR OVER $1000 ~ MUST BE INSPECTED INSIDE AND OUT BY MANAGERIAL STAFF AND APPROVED FOR SUCH INSURANCE" :Smarty: So, yes, the Fedex Ofc manager DID inspect AND signed off the packaging inspection as "CORRECTLY PACKAGED AND MET ALL REQUIREMENTS". (Btw, this was the 2nd console I shipped in a month,. the first went to california.. no problems.)

    SO this console shipped to Brandon with $1000 coverage plus $150 shipping.
    When it arrived in Brandons office 8 days later, it was obviously destroyed. A claim was filed and, a week later, I started calling to check up on resolution. I talked to 11 different reps over the almost 7 weeks and each time I called, I had to explain the complete situation ALL OVER AGAIN. Even when the claims office provided an extension number, I would never get to talk with the same person a 2nd time..EVER... Each time my story was told, the 'reps' supposedly, wrote updated notes in my claim file, however, I asked time and time again WHY, if you reps update notes each time I call, DO I HAVE TO START OVER EVERY TIME??? I was told its just Corporate policy. :moonu: I am thinking it is just a total run-a-round and I have conluded, is what drives people to give up on such a claim. Well, I WILL NOT GIVE UP.
    I decided to send Brandon another console because I didnt want MY problem with Fedex, to be HIS problem.
    Wednesday afternoon I spoke to yet another Fedex Claims Rep and was told my "claim is under review for 50% insurred value" and I should hear back from Claims office within 24 hours.
    ya. like I believe that. I've been told that EXACT SAME THING by EACH and EVERY FEDEX REP since january 3rd.
    Guess what, 24 hours ended thursday at 3:00pm. still no return call. no surprise :af:

    So, the challenge and the struggle continues. :boring:

    Brandon, I am glad you are happy with the console!

    BTW I want to say THANK YOU for the kind words Guys! :TU:

    Wheelz, Tampa Bay
  7. ynotbuick

    ynotbuick Platinum Level Contributor

    Well for what it's worth UPS isn't any better. Bought a grille from a member here and he took it to the UPS terminal and had them box and pack it up. It came to me and looked like a mack truck ran over it and then backed up to see what he hit. I opened the box in front of the driver and the grille was in lots of pieces. We filed a claim and got pretty much the same run around. They wanted pics of the box and the grille which I could understand but even wanted pics of the box label to make sure it was packed in the right strenght of box and not some flimsy cheap one and pics of the packing material used. It's was like WTF you guys are the ones who packed it. I think it took about a month or 2 of hounding but they finally paid up but what a hassle. That's why I don't like to ship fragile things, it will bite you in the ass.
  8. sodak65

    sodak65 Well-Known Member

    Beulah? I was just there for work last week. Far too cold!

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