The Unkill!

Discussion in 'Kill Stories (Where Hemis Never Win)' started by Andrew Skidmore, Nov 30, 2004.

  1. Andrew Skidmore

    Andrew Skidmore Well-Known Member

    I am calling this one the unkill becuase I have a good buddy I have known for years and one of his friends that he use to work with at a car dealership is into porshes. This guy moved to california and while he was there he bought a 87 carrera turbo. His car has a newly rebuilt boxer motor in it, with mild mods internally. The turbo is not radical and neither is the intercooler. He has a few other things like german fuel lines that are 1/4 inch instead of 1/8, and exaust, and really nothing done with the tranny or clutch, or even the ignition. He has been spouting off about how fast his car is and it has been a few years since I have seen him so I asked him if he could take me on a short ride around the block to let me see what his car had? This guy is forty so years old, and at first he said no problem, but when I got my friends keys to move his car out from behind the porshe this guy retracted his statement about taking me on a ride. He said that it was too expensive for him to drive around the block, and if I wanted to ride in a supercar that to even sit in it I would have to give him gas money. I laughed it off and told him the last thing I would ever do is give someone gas money for them to show off what they have built, and give their newly acclaimed car the chance to show itself worthy. I also told him the only way I am going to give someone gas money to ride in their car is if they have a Ferrari F-40, or F-50,Enzo, the new Saleen S7, and of course any Buick. :Brow:
  2. crazyjackcsa

    crazyjackcsa Big and Untame

    How big is the block? 40 miles?!! Gas money, what a tight wad!
  3. Andrew Skidmore

    Andrew Skidmore Well-Known Member

    I hear you on that one. It must cost a lot to go that slow. :sleep:
  4. 69GS400s

    69GS400s own amusement ride!

    If you build that new mill of yours well enough - race him for a fill-up !!!
  5. no car

    no car Well-Known Member

    Should have told him you were just being polite and didn't really want a ride! At least because HE changed his mind, you won't have to worry that a friend might see you in that car!!!

    Had a good old friend of mine always used to say he would only ride in a Ford with a paper bag on his head just in case a friend saw him!!!!

  6. JohnD1956

    JohnD1956 Well-Known Member

    El cheapo

    You're all wrong. :eek: I'm sure it was so expensive because of the 1/4 inch fuel lines. :rolleyes: You should have told him to give you a ride to your house to get your wallet, and then asked for a ride to the ATM, and then back to your car , and then told him you didnt have enough to fill his tank and you refused to do anything half-assed... :TU:

  7. Andrew Skidmore

    Andrew Skidmore Well-Known Member

    Oh you bet I will, and when I light his car up he will be in a loss for words how a car almost twice his weight walked all over his turbo porshe.
  8. 69GS400s

    69GS400s own amusement ride!

    you KNOW thats gonna feel good :beer

    I just searched for a kill I wrote about 2 years ago where I totally embarassed some Yuppie in his brandy new Boxter S one sunday morning - it must have gotten lost when the board crashed earlier this year

    ....To sum it up :bglasses: I got home and my wife asked if I wanted lunch. I answered "Naww....I snacked on some German on the way home"

    I was riding that high for days.....
  9. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    Did you call him a wussy? I would have. :pp
  10. Andrew Skidmore

    Andrew Skidmore Well-Known Member

    No I did not call him any names, but I am sure that some day he will ask me to go for a ride in this porshe of his or another one he might aquire in the future and the only response he is going to get out of me is that he better pay me to ride in his car.
  11. BuickTV6

    BuickTV6 Nice Monte Carlo

    Ive ran into a lot of guys like that too. almost as if you're doing them a favor by paying for the gas. Its simple, if you wanna play, you gotta pay :)
    Him not you of course! That's like test driving a car at the dealership and they make you pay for the gas :beer
  12. jamyers

    jamyers 2 gallons of fun

    Honestly...since when is a Porsche owner too cheap to buy gas? :Dou:

    It'd have been worth offering him $10 to watch the next chapter of "The Weasel Show"... :Brow:

    1/4-inch fuel lines??? Sheesh! Is that all the bigger his are? I'll bet he'd add 100 hp by just upgrading to 3/8-inch... :spank:
  13. 69gs400

    69gs400 Well-Known Member

    I was thinking of going to the 1 1/2 inch pvc for my fuel feed, That must be good for 200 or 300 horsepower right there!! :3gears:

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