super t10 torque specs

Discussion in 'U-shift em' started by kenm455, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. kenm455

    kenm455 Gold Level Contributor

    i'm reassembling a BW super T10.did a quick google search but was unable to locate the bolt torque specs.all i got was the transmission torque rating.anybody got a GM manual with the specs?
  2. crash

    crash Well-Known Member

    From the Richmond ST-10 Owners Manual...

    Front bearing retainer-------------------------15-20 lb. ft.
    side cover--------------------------------------15-20 lb. ft.
    tail housing---7/16-14 X 1-1/8----------------20-30 lb. ft.
    tail housing---1/2-13 X 1-7/8-----------------35-45 lb. ft.
    mid-bearing---1/2-13 X 1-1/8----------------30-40 lb. ft.

    Hope this helps... Crash
  3. Houndogforever

    Houndogforever Silver Level contributor

    ahh super T10. I stripped every tooth off second gear of the cluster and most of them off the actual gear. replaced both and it still worked like a champ. The good old days.
  4. BadBrad

    BadBrad Got 4-speed?

    I have the whole assembly manual in pdf but don't seem to be able to attach that file...

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