stripped out oil plug

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 71_electra225, Oct 31, 2003.

  1. 71_electra225

    71_electra225 GM > Ford

    Well, I got an electra 225. as it turns out, the oil pan plug is stripped out, perhaps by me, i dont know. anyway what would the best solution be, aside from gettin a new oil pan? can i rethread it?
  2. RED GS 1

    RED GS 1 Well-Known Member

    I know someone makes a drain plug just for this purpose [stripped].
    Look around in your local parts store in the Help section:Smarty:
  3. gstewart

    gstewart Well-Known Member

    stripped oil drain

    the autoparts stores sell "oversized" oil drain plugs for this purpose .
  4. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    Worst case scenario... have a big nut welded on top of the old one and... you have a new plug.

    Might require a tow to a welding shop, but beats pulling the pan (and engine, if your's needs it).
  5. Smartin

    Smartin Guest

    There's a thing called a piggy back plug if I remember correctly. I had one on the LeSabre. It was basically an ovewrsized plug with a hole drilled and tapped in the middle of it. So you basically have a plug inside a plug.
  6. 71_electra225

    71_electra225 GM > Ford

    hey great guys! ill see what i can find tomorrow, but do i have to take the pan off as to make sure no metal shavings get in the engine, or do i just screw (or drill?) the oversized plug in there?
  7. gstewart

    gstewart Well-Known Member

    oversized plug

    be sure to carefully align the new drain plug as u wrench it in with a 1/2" ratchet drive & appropriately sized socket .
  8. Madcat455

    Madcat455 Need..more... AMMO!!!

    Did your old nut even come out???

    Your best bet for those special plugs is to try an oil change shop... Valvoline, Jiffy Lube. I worked for both and they have several types, just take your old plug. Not to mention, if your going by just the threads on the plug then your Nut in the pan might still be good (seen that more than a couple of times). You don't need to drill anything as the piggy back and the oversize are self tapping.

    And if your on good terms with your the oil change guys, they will usually just Give you one:TU: :TU: We allways used to.

    Good Luck
  9. rtabish

    rtabish Well-Known Member

    you can get self tapping oversized plugs from most auto parts places. i had to change the oil in a girlfriends plymouth volarie once that had a rubber expansion plug in place of the original [another idea, though not a good one] that i ended up replaceing with a magnetic oversized plug. worked great!, but be sure to put a new seal on the plug if it doesnt come with one already.:TU:
  10. 71_electra225

    71_electra225 GM > Ford

    so i dont need to take off the oil pan to install the new plug?
  11. Madcat455

    Madcat455 Need..more... AMMO!!!

    Nope... Not unless your going to do it right. By welding a new nut into the pan and using a Stock plug again. (if you have the time I'd do it this way) Just my .02

    The self tappers and piggy backs just need to be threadded in with the pan on. The only bad thing about the self tapping plugs is that they Allways come out hard and go in hard. (at least from what I rember.... Its been 10yrs.) But the piggy back plug wont have that prob as you only deal with the smaller bolt after the initial install. Just be careful to not over tighten the smaller plug.:TU:
  12. 71_electra225

    71_electra225 GM > Ford

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