Snow down South

Discussion in 'The "Other" Bench' started by TheEquineFencer, Jan 11, 2011.

  1. TheEquineFencer

    TheEquineFencer Well-Known Member

    If you guys down south know of some contractors that need some help plowing snow, let me know. I'm off for a few days and I'm looking a place to play in the snow. I'm in Eastern, NC 919-810-1965. Thanks, Floyd.
  2. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    Over near Raleigh we have basically no snow. Fayetteville and further west seem to have received a load.
  3. TheEquineFencer

    TheEquineFencer Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I know. The guy I usually plow for took part of his own trucks and went to Atlanta, Ga. I'd like to get some work down that way so I could run for several hours at the time. I plowed up in Va. this spring, plowing in 3 feet of snow was a lot of fun. What would be nice if the Buick guys down south could find me some gigs or know how I could get hooked up with Ga. DOT, I'd make it worth their time. The only bad thing is the 8+ hours of windsheild time each way, so I'd need at least a good day or two worth of work to make it really worth my time. I'd like to get hooked up with a realtor that has mutiple properties.
  4. 64 wildcat conv

    64 wildcat conv Silver Level contributor

    I'm about 15 miles west of Asheville, NC and we are getting dumped on. It's nearly impossible to find someone to plow drives and private roads here. We had 5" last Friday and then another 9" Monday night. Last night we got another 1.5" and they're calling for 4-8" more tonight. :mad:
    So far I believe we have had about 36" since November.
    I moved here from Ohio to get away from the long, harsh winters. :rant:

    My winter Buick to-do list is becoming a spring to-do list.

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