simulated leather top?

Discussion in 'Color is everything!' started by markiemarktaylor23, Jun 23, 2012.

  1. i was curious i dont have the money for a new top on my 72 electra, its not vinyl, i want to say its more of a leather feel. but anyways can you paint it for a cheaper way out for now. its a white color, its a little faded. so if you ever heard of anyone painting there tops let me know. thanks
  2. bhambulldog

    bhambulldog 1955 76-RoadmasterRiviera

    The top can be dyed. Usually a darker color is easier.
  3. urbancowboy0307

    urbancowboy0307 Silver Level contributor

    painting the vinyl, or taking the vinly off an painting the top?

    my '67 had a white roof painted on from the factory.
  4. painting the vinyl
  5. steve covington

    steve covington Well-Known Member

    Problem with painted aged vinyl is that it probably has lost most of the chemicals in the vinyl that maintain its 'softness' or supplety(SP?) . You will have to do a THOROUGH cleaning and conditioning of the vinyl to get the DYE to adhere properly. The cleaning will have to remove ALL of the old waxes and top treatments (many of which have silicones) used on the top over ALL these years...In the long run, it will be probably cheaper to just replace the vinyl top with new vinyl top, what with all the cleaning, conditioning, prep, and masking... all on the old vinyl...which may not hold up to the 'abuse' needed to get it ready.
    However , some of the BEST dyes are available from SEM. Wish I had a link, but they are out of North Carolina , in the Charlotte area, if I recall correctly. There are plenty of references on here about the use of SEM products for vinyl restoration and color change.

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