Riv headliner removal

Discussion in 'A boatload of fun' started by Rivdrivn, Sep 1, 2009.

  1. Rivdrivn

    Rivdrivn Driving a Riv for 40 years

    I'm having no luck trying to remove the metal trim pieces that run inside the the whole length of the side windows. Everything else came out easily. Is this somehow anchored to the outside chrome trim or should I just pull real hard?
  2. roboteq-1@hotma

    roboteq-1@hotma 76 T Top

    On my regal they were held in by clips that look like the letter "C" that has been squashed to about 3/8" flat with the ends of the "C" almost bent double and paralell to the long part- you'll see when you get one out. Yes you have to muscle them out-I used my fingertips and pried down, but no, they are not bolted or otherwise held-just the clips. You'll probably wreck a couple so see if you can find some spares- Go practice at the junks! kill 2 birds with one stone!- they should be pretty much the same on similarly sized trim on other models.
  3. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    As I recall, on my 69 Riv, once you remove the screwa the pieces just pull off. They could be stuck from some headliner adhesive.

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