Please Help A Dying Veteran

Discussion in 'Help From Above' started by 86gsx, Nov 14, 2007.

  1. 86gsx

    86gsx Well-Known Member

    I have an uncle that fought for his country and is now succumbing to the effects of agent orange. his was a decorated Army medic. retired police officer and now has cancer and is going through kemotherapy that is taking away his strenth and will to go on! not that the poor man has to endure this also he has an unscrupulus attorney hired by the city trying to take away his house, I will explain! several years back he found out that back in the early seventies the city(which has property bordering his backyard) had a dump that they never properly closed and now has/is leaking toxic gases(one neibor supposedly has pictures of them w/barrels going into dump possibly Dow-corning)into the ground and air on his property! several years ago the state atty. general ruled that the city is liable for gas moniters an cleanup. this city in turn now has hired them a high-powered atty. to try to overturn the ruling, and now (in my uncles weakened state) the atty. suggests that my uncle surrender his home to the city lock stock and barrel not considering him any compensation for it! I would like to find a acctivist group(maybe global warming?) that might see this as a cause! he is a wonderful christian man that has served his country served his comunity, took in to his home/family many orphaned children (while he was a police officer) and now while he is fighting for his life these unscupulus people are trying to kick him while he is down! If anyone out there knows of a acctivist group/individual that might be interested pease forwad this PLEASE it would be GREATLY apprecated! his name is Arthur Ed hayes 937 548-0065 thank you! 86gsx:Comp:
  2. Free Riviera

    Free Riviera Sounded like a good deal

    Sounds like a job for the newspaper or local network news...

    As far as I know you can't take somebody's land, even if a municipality condemns it, without proper compensation.

    Unless something else is going on that you don't explain it seems hard to believe that the city attorney has much to base his "suggestion" on.

    Maybe a call or letter to the state atty general would help.

    I think that any decent lawyer who deals with real estate would be able to give some good advice. (hopefully on the cheap!)

    Good luck
  3. Free Riviera

    Free Riviera Sounded like a good deal

    You know, if the lawyer is willing to talk smack about the issues, don't be afraid to dole it right back. Of course, it helps to have a bit of understanding of what the laws are and where they come from. There's probably a ton of resources available on-line regarding real estate law if you have the time and patience to research it... on the other hand, it would probably be better if I checked to see if this is actually true before I made that statement.... see how easy talking smack is!?!
  4. mygs462

    mygs462 Well-Known Member

    LOCAL TV NEWS shows are exactly what you need it's a perfect human interest story big govt. vs the lil man. I'd call every station in town.

    GSXMEN Got Jesus?

    I'd suggest contacting the American Center for Law & Justice(ACLJ). They are a Christian Legal Advocate.

    American Center for Law and Justice
    P.O. Box 90555
    Washington, DC 20090-0555

    Legal Helpline Phone: 757-226-2489
    Legal Helpline Fax: 757-226-2836

    Radio call-in number: 1-800-684-3110 (from 12-12:30 PM EST/EDT.)

    Petition call-in number: 1-877-989-2255

    For information on broadcasting Jay Sekulow Live! or Jay Sekulow Weekend:
    Phone: 770-414-0806
  6. MikeM

    MikeM Mississippi Buicks

    I'll just say that the city "condemned" my grandmother's house in order to build a parking lot. She had been guaranteed to be able to stay there for the rest of her life, because my grandfather had been on the city council for many years before his death. But twenty years later she was too old and feeble to fight very hard when they renigged on the promise. Her compensation was not very much compared to what the property was worth rezoned as a commercial multi story garage. So she got screwed, had to move, and died shortly thereafter. I've always thought that the loss of her house hastened her death, she was so sad about it.

    Very sorry to hear this story. Sounds like another case where local government is trying to take advantage of someone who is vulnerable, and adding stress that he absolutely doesn't need to have under his circumstances.

    If you can help fight for your uncle, you're a good man to do so.
  7. 86gsx

    86gsx Well-Known Member

    The state Atty. general of ohio has looked entirely at this case and ruled that because the city of ansonia ohio profitted from this dumpsite(monitarily) that they are completely liable! this high power atty. attempt is to find someone to share the blame with an obviously my uncle is in no state(physicallyor monitarily) to be able to fight much longer! Yes there of course are twists in this case, but all of this was handed to the state of ohio atty. general and he then rulled! we then expected them to do something just not this, they are now(the city) is picking on someone who is down and cannot handle the scope of threats thrown at them by this high-power jerk atty. the twist: my uncle purchased this property from a friends family estate. The deasesed relative that owned the property(that is back-to-back w/city land worked for the city gave them ok to do some dumping on the 6-acre property verbaly(which my uncle had no knowledge of when he purchased the property! As you can imagine this is quite overwhelming to him right now with what he is already going through! he has a mortgage on this property that is not even being considered! I have read and forwarded all info given to my aunt and family all info given is greatly appreciated! even a call for morale support/prayers would be greatly appreciated! contact Arthur Ed Hayes/and family at 937-548-0065 thank you!!! P.S. when my uncle was able(physically/$) he had an atty. that found this city an out for this situation! a state clean-up superfund that would pay for it(clean-up) if they were to acquire the property and turn it into a park once it is deemed safe! this idea must not have fit their money-greed :dollar: so the did not act!! sad for my uncle!! 86gsx
  8. 86gsx

    86gsx Well-Known Member

    I have in my quest to help my sick uncle have stumbled (googled global warming) contacted a laura david website and are awaiting a replie from them. I am the only person that has web access availabe to me via my girlf. and can barlely spell much less type it takes me a long time doing this the two finger method! I am for my uncle appealing to someone merciful that is more compute/net savvy if it is possible to grab my original thead posting and send it to interested parties that may see this as a cause(acctivist group/environmental) or an atty. that could use the good P.R. for their firm? I contacted(voicemail) the locallTV stations WDTN turn to 2 help more than a month ago to get no response? any help would be much appreciated even if its a simple prayer or a friendly call with advise! thank you all 86gsx

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