Pictures please

Discussion in 'U-shift em' started by wormwood, Feb 22, 2010.

  1. wormwood

    wormwood Dare to be different

    i would like to see some pictures of how the bellcrank (z-bar) attaches to the pivot ball and frame bracket and how the nylon washers get put together. i am new to maunal transmissions and have no idea. (455's please)

    p.s it dosent look like it is even going to come close to fitting with my stage 2 headers.
  2. TheSilverBuick

    TheSilverBuick In the Middle of No Where

    Bummer on the headers. I went with the Shorties to play it safe after looking at another car's ('65 Wagon) with them and figuring they'd clear what I needed.

    Ah, I replaced those nylon bushings and stuff in the Z-bar but didn't think to take any pictures of it. I do have a spare Z-bar and rods in the basement, true condition unknown, but I'll look for it when I get home and see if I can take a few pictures.

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