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Performance curved Buick Distributors 455 350 F/S

Discussion in 'Products' started by techg8, May 9, 2017.

  1. techg8

    techg8 The BS GS

    I have two performance advance curved Buick distributors built and ready to run. One is a 1112110 1972 455 dist, and the other a 1111986 1970 350 dist. I can install gears for 455 or 350 as needed if numbers aren't important to you.

    These are curved for sport performance and mild camshafts.

    Mechanical advance is limited at 22 degrees (If you wanted total timing to be say 35degrees, you'd set initial timing at 13 degrees)
    Mechanical advance has 20 degrees by 2500rpm, all 22 in by 3000rpm

    vacuum advance is limited to 8degrees

    The distributors are completely rebuilt/restored and tested on my SUN504 machine. Dwell preset at 30.
    new bushings, seals, washers, wires, points, condenser, etc etc.

    $150 each shipped in the USA, available in my web store:



    Yes, I can rebuild and restore your numbers matching distributor. Custom advance curves tailored to your combo are no problem. Contact me, let me know what you need.


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