Non A/C Heater core removal question

Discussion in 'Wrenchin' Secrets' started by CJay, Mar 28, 2013.

  1. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Im starting to smell the faint wiff of alot of work. The heater core in the convertible is leaking. Since its a beater, Im not going to go all anal retentive with it like I did with the 70 GS. I know the trick about drilling the one stud out from the inside. What I was thinking about was drilling a hole with a hole saw in the fenderwell so I could access the speed nut from the wheel well side. That way I could reinstall the nut and then put a plastic cap plug over the hole.

    My question is- has anyone attemped this? If so, where exactly did you drill the hole and how big was it? Or am I just crazy and I should just drill the stud out?

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