Need some help in Tulsa Ok.....

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by buickdav, Oct 13, 2003.

  1. buickdav

    buickdav Kris' other half.

    Hey everyone,

    If possible I need some assistance from a fellow Buick family member in Tulsa. Bought some slicks on Ebay and got a long story going here on the shipping. Could use some help if anyone out there would ???? If anyone would perhaps try and help me out, post up here and I will reply off board with a email, or I will call you and explain my problem...............

    Thanks in advance..................
  2. n2buick

    n2buick Well-Known Member

    Dave, I can get them up here to KC or out to Mike in Topeka if that would help at all.

  3. buickdav

    buickdav Kris' other half.


    that would help a bunch man THANKS. I sent the guy an email wanting his address to pick up. I will try and get ahold of MG and see if he will take them till I get there..........

  4. 72 SunCoupe

    72 SunCoupe Active Member

    If it's a timing thing I can hold parts till Jeff is in town next.

  5. n2buick

    n2buick Well-Known Member

    Dave, I mentioned this to Mike at dinner tonight, so I doubt it will be a problem, so just let me know after you talk to the seller.

  6. gsdave

    gsdave FAST WITH CLASS

    Go Greyhound?

    Dave have you called Greyhound to see if they could be shipped on the bus. I have shipped tools and other stuff for work with no problem.
  7. buickdav

    buickdav Kris' other half.


    That is what the seller listed as the shipper. I have no problem with them bringing them to me. "The" problem I have is the seller listed them as $46 to ship with greyhound. I had my 29.5 x 10.5's sent from Dallas for $16 and change for the pair through fedex. I plan on doing some more checking before but I am thinking if I can get Jeff to give them a ride to Mikes, I can get them there. I need to come over and pick up a hood sometime anyways.........Sounds like a good enough reason for me to drive across the state.:grin:


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