More joys coming out of China ....

Discussion in 'The "Other" Bench' started by Casey Marks, Nov 14, 2007.

  1. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    One could surmise I never particularly cared for them, but felt their earlier efforts were decent. I like a few things from Pyromania, but wasn't really a fan; I didn't like much of their work. Hey, there are a couple Duran Duran songs I like (older ones at that), but in general I can't stand the band.

    Point taken. However:
    I think you understood what I meant.

    Either way, and in other words, communication was sucessful :bla:
  2. ford2

    ford2 Well-Known Member

    Quote : A man in southern India married a female dog.

    After all are same sex weddings.This could be the next big thing.
    And it would be legal to put a leash on your wife.

  3. 442w30

    442w30 Well-Known Member

    I think the NAFTA point has been made already.

    Now what about being in bed with China? Do you think she's more in bed than anyone else? After all, "we already know", right?

    I'm glad the election is in a year - just more BS to have to deal with for the next 12 months, along with Britney and the usual gang of idiots.

    Well, I gotta run - I've gotta pick up my Thai dinner - they haven't had any lead problems, have they?:eek2:
  4. Sergeant Major

    Sergeant Major Biggest Nut in the Can

    Got a cell phone? You've already got an electronic leash....:bla:
  5. cstanley-gs

    cstanley-gs Silver Mist

    who collects the used condoms for the hair bands?
    Is there some type of collection program where you drop them off?
    Are they sorted out of the sewer after they are flushed?

    I can see it now
    A trash can with some holes in it...
    one for aluminum, glass, paper and condoms...
  6. Brian Stefina

    Brian Stefina Well-Known Member

  7. BlackGold

    BlackGold Well-Known Member

    Look on the bright side:
    Maybe we can export the Sierra Club along with our e-waste. :laugh:

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