Looking for Chode (Dan Sherriff) in Florida

Discussion in 'Buyer/Seller Feedback' started by freak6264, Mar 1, 2007.

  1. freak6264

    freak6264 Myotonic when confronted

    Sent him a couple hundred dollars last year for taillights and hood grilles for my 71. Couldn't pick up the parts due to logistics..left him a mainland address to ship parts to...called a few times then lost touch..if anyone knows him...parts or money back would be great.
  2. David G

    David G de-modded....

    He hasn't logged in here since last August. Do you have this email address for him? CHODENSIX@AOL.COM
  3. freak6264

    freak6264 Myotonic when confronted

    yes sir- I have tried to contact him thru that email, this forum, his cell, and smoke signals. I still have the directions to his house, but $200+ isn't worth a 4500 mile flight. Some you win, some you lose. I lost. If anyone knows where he is, let him know he got me!!
  4. David G

    David G de-modded....

    We have many FL members here, feel free to post in The Bench asking for help from our Florida members. Hope you can get this resolved.
  5. Greg B

    Greg B Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Mar 22, 2011
  6. freak6264

    freak6264 Myotonic when confronted

    If I remember (I'm in DC right now and don't have his address with me) It was an hour and a half south of Tampa
  7. Greg B

    Greg B Well-Known Member

    What is the weather like there? I'm supposed to be flying up tomorrow but will probably cancel based on where I need to drive.

    I'm on the opposite coast but George (GStage1 ? ) is in Seminole which is just north of where you're talking about.
    Ford Boss 302 Engine
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2011
  8. freak6264

    freak6264 Myotonic when confronted

    Amazingly enough, I am going to Tampa on business. This will be resolved to my satisfaction by friday.


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