KYB Listings Help

Discussion in 'The whoa and the sway.' started by davidd, Feb 5, 2010.

  1. davidd

    davidd Well-Known Member

    Sorry I'm re-posting in the correct section:Dou:
    I had new wheels on my mind.....

    Can you help me please????
    I'm putting KYB Gas-a -Justs on my 67' Skylark convert.
    The rears in the KYB book say # KG 5507 for all except HD suspension and
    # KG 5504 for all with HD suspension.
    There's a seperate # for wagons.
    Are the GS 400's the only cars with HD suspension?
    Should I or can I use the KG 5504 anyway because they are a little stiffer?
    The picture looks like they have the same mounting.
    I'm adding a rear sway and redoing all my suspension. I'm going mostly stock except a thicker front sway.
    Any thoughts/ experiences?
    Thanks all

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