Jack points on a 1970 Riviera

Discussion in 'A boatload of fun' started by jbrauertn, Nov 19, 2009.

  1. jbrauertn

    jbrauertn Well-Known Member

    What are the correct four points to lift my 1970 Riviera (X frame) with a two-post auto lift?

  2. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    The rear pads go on the pinchweld. The fronts go on the frame rails.

    Never ever ever ever let a repair shop lift your car. They will set the front pads up under the fenders every single time.
  3. Dale

    Dale Sweepspear

    You got that right!
    I had a cow when I had tires put on my '66 Riviera at a Firestone dealer and saw how the car was place on the lift. :af:

    My '70 shows signs of past improper jack/hoist placement.
  4. major_mitt

    major_mitt Kiwi Buick

    I've seen mine picked up on that seam that runs along the sides of the car under the doors (sills?). Is that right? I know thats where you pick up Jap cars from.
  5. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    The problem is that if you place all 4 pads under the frame, the car become too tipsy as the lift pads are too close to the center of the car.

    The rear pads are positioned close to the rear wheels on that pinchweld.
  6. Dale

    Dale Sweepspear

    When all 4 are placed on the pinchweld, you have the entire weight of frame and everything attached to it hanging from body mounts.

    I've placed stands under the frame in all 4 spots, and never felt the car was unstable.
    Personal preference I guess. I've placed them both ways.

    This is from an old Texaco lube chart I have that shows suggested lift points. Though, those rear ones look to be beyond the point the frame starts to go up over the rear axle. :puzzled:

  7. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    I remember lifting it once with all 4 arms on the frame and not getting the warm fuzzies about it. I think the difference is that the lift arms have a little flexibility to them when they're extended all the way out to reach the frame points. I normally lift the car till the tires are just off the ground and give the bumper a shake. If I dont feel comfortable about it, it comes right down

    Your right about the rear locations on that chart Dale. Strange
  8. Dale

    Dale Sweepspear

    I always give a car a good shake before getting under, and check the bases of the stands to make sure they are sitting square on the floor.

    Wish I had a good solid pair of ramps. :idea2:
  9. major_mitt

    major_mitt Kiwi Buick

    I've got ramps, they are handy for doing gearbox swaps if you don't have a lift.

    Only problem is you usually have to actually jack the car on to the ramps if you want to keep it in the garage which kind of makes them a bit redundant...

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