Hurst Equipped

Discussion in 'Color is everything!' started by 69gsconv4spd, Jan 9, 2005.

  1. 69gsconv4spd

    69gsconv4spd Well-Known Member

    Where do the hurst equipped badges go on a 69?
  2. TuBBeD

    TuBBeD Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure the Buicks never had the emblem put on from factory, but I'm pretty sure they were placed on the left side along the corner of the decklid with the other makes that had them. If you looked at the trunk lid of a '70 GS and noticed where the GS is placed, it'll be placed on the opposite side at the bottom left side corner of the deck lid.
  3. Duane

    Duane Member

    The only 69 I know that had "hurst equipped" badges was Jimmy's 69 Motion GS. His has one on the trunk lid and another stuck in the dash.

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